  • 學位論文


Research on Optimization of Production Line Schedule for Auto-parts and Accessories Industries–Take T Manufacturer For Example

指導教授 : 陳明德


產品少量多樣幾已成為各行業常態,但種類別變多,客戶可不會允許交貨期隨之延長,畢竟交期愈短,其積壓資金相對減輕,風險也愈低,尤其近年來各地經濟並無明顯起色,在不景氣情況底下,保守以對似乎成為眾多客戶的因應之道,交期也變成商業往來時,除價格外之另一焦點,重要性日益倍增,因此製造商除了以增加機械設備或人力等方法因應外,產線人-機指派時之優劣,將攸關產品是否可如期交貨,甚至訂單交易成立與否之關鍵。 傳統製造業在人力之調度上,常以經驗法則為依據,在規模較小時,真正的問題點或許不夠被彰顯,因此大多還可以完成既定之目標,然在指派人員數量較多或產品種類過於複雜時,除調派難度增加外,也很難達到最佳之效益,因此本研究以某汽車零件製造商為對象,其製造現場之人員指派為研究範圍,針對1.正常狀態下,以最少之人工成本完成指派作業;2.因應旺季、插單或急單過多時,在不考慮人工成本,期以最短的時間完成指派作業。 本研究建構兩個混合整數規劃(Mixed Integer Programming)模型,並運用LINGO (Linear Interactive General Optimizer)軟體來求解。事先設定決策變數、參數、限制式及模型後,再將其相關數據代入軟體中執行,以獲得最佳化之數據,期望提供管理者相關之決策依據,達到其「最低人工成本」及「最低製造工時」之目的。


Nowadays, custom-made product has become a trend in all areas of industries. However, most buyers will not accept longer or even tardy delivery date although products have become more diversified. The date of delivery is shorter, the cash flows will be more flexible, and the risk will also be much lower. Recently, most enterprises tend to keep a conservative way when they deal with a business due to economic contraction and recession around the world. Besides, the price is another major point affecting the business. Hence, in addition to the increment in equipment and manpower, the crucial factor for manufacturers to gain successful transactions and meet the promised delivery date depends on the good quality of dispatch in manpower and machines. With regard to the staff arrangement in traditional manufacturing, it is often based on the empirical rules. There were no significant problems in small-size industries and they could reach the goal on schedule most of the time. However, it is difficult to get the perfect benefit because it is hard to arrange numerous manpower and various products properly. For study purpose, we investigate a manufacturer for Auto-parts and accessories. The objectives of this research are two-fold: (1) to arrange the limited manpower to finish the work as the lowest cost, (2) to finish the work as quick as possible in order to respond to order shuffling or rush order during peak season. In this study, we developed two mixed integer programming models for achieving the goals. The software of Linear Interactive General Optimizer (LINGO) was applied to run the real-world data and the best statistics were resulted. The methodology proposed in the thesis can shed a light for production manager in efficient allocating the manpower to machines so as to lower the production costs or completion time.


