  • 學位論文


The study of these relationships among daily spiritual experiences, social connectedness and positive emotion for elder learners

指導教授 : 黃富順博士


本研究旨在探討高齡學習者之日常靈性經驗、社會連結與正向情緒的關係,以中部四縣市參與高齡學習機構之高齡學習者為研究對象,採用問卷調查法,以「高齡學習者日常靈性經驗、社會連結及正向情緒關係調查問卷」為研究工具,包含「個人基本資料」、「日常靈性經驗量表」、「社會連結量表」及「正向情緒量表」等四部份,在預試研究中,請六位學者修訂英翻中量表的題項,並回收146份有效樣本,以檢驗本研究問卷之信效度。正式樣本採分層便利取樣方式進行問卷發放,有效樣本共計720份。經由統計分析後,獲得以下結論,並根據研究結果進行討論及提出相關建議。 一、高齡學習者的日常靈性經驗感受為中度程度,其中以「對生命的感受」較高,「對神的感受」較低。 二、高齡學習者的日常靈性經驗,在不同性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、宗教信仰及學習機構有顯著差異,除了健康狀況以外。 三、高齡學習者社會連結屬於中高程度,其中以「人際關係」得分較高,「互動強度」最低。 四、高齡學習者的社會連結,在不同的教育程度、健康情況、宗教信仰及學習機構有顯著差異,除了性別、年齡、婚姻狀況以外。 五、高齡學習者的正向情緒為中高程度,以「快活」得分較高,「正向態度」最低。 六、高齡學習者的正向情緒,在不同性別、教育程度、健康狀況、宗教信仰及學習機構有顯著差異,除了年齡、婚姻狀況以外。 七、高齡學習者之日常靈性經驗與正向情緒具顯著正向關係。 八、高齡學習者之社會連結與正向情緒具顯著正向關係。 九、高齡學習者之日常靈性經驗及社會連結對正向情緒有顯著預測效果。 根據上述研究結論,本研究就高齡學習者、高齡學習機構、高齡教師及未來研究,提出幾點建議以供參考: 一、對高齡學習者之建議 (一)高齡學習者宜積極參與學習及宗教活動,以啟發日常靈性經驗。 (二)高齡學習者宜積極安排戶外活動,藉以強化社會連結的關係。 (三) 高齡學習者宜常維持正向情緒的感受,培養積極樂觀的態度。 (四) 低教育程度及健康狀況欠佳者的高齡者,宜積極參與學習活。動,以提升其社會連結與正向情緒 二、對高齡學習機構與教師之建議 (一) 高齡學習機構宜提供各類心靈成長的學習課程,以增進高齡者的日常靈性經驗、社會連結關係。 (二) 高齡學習機構宜關注教育程度較低者及健康狀況欠佳者的學習機會,透過對機構的向心力與凝聚力,讓自我情緒更正面。 (三) 教師宜充實自身的日常靈性經驗,強化社會連結及提升正向情緒的能力。 三、對未來研究之建議 (一) 在研究變項方面,可探討其他相關因素。 (二)在研究對象方面,可考量參與其他機構的高齡學習者。 (三)在研究方法方面,建議輔以半結構式訪談等質性研究方法。 關鍵詞:高齡學習者、日常靈性經驗、社會連結、正向情緒


The major purposes of this study were to explore these relationships among daily spiritual experiences, social connectedness and positive emotion for elder learners. The questionnaire survey method was adopted, and the participants of elder learner were from some elder learning institutes of four cities in the Central Taiwan. The survey instrument was a self-administered questionnaire entitled "Elderly daily spiritual experiences, social connectedness and positive emotion questionnaire". In the pilot study, six scholars were invited to revise the items of scales, and 146 valid questionnaires were collected to examine the reliability and validation of scales. Next, the stratified and convenience sampling were adopted to collect 720 valid copies. Statistical analysis yielded the following results: 1.The perception of daily spiritual experiences for elder learners was revealed medium level. Elder learners tended to be more of "experience for life" and less of "experience for Gods". 2.Elder learners with various backgrounds (gender, ages, education level, martial statuses, religious beliefs, and learning institutions) found significant differences in daily spiritual experiences, besides the health status. 3.The perception of social connectedness for elder learners was revealed mid-high level. Elder learners tended to be more of "the personal relationships" and less of "the interaction strength". 4.Elder learners with various backgrounds (education level, health status, religious beliefs, and learning institutions) found significant differences in social connectedness, besides the gender, ages, and martial statuses. 5.The perception of positive emotion for elder learners was revealed mid-high level. Elder learners got higher scores in "happy lifestyle" and fewer score in "the positive attitude of life". 6.Elder learners with various backgrounds (gender, education level, health status, religious beliefs, and learning institutions) found significant differences in positive emotion, besides the ages and martial statuses. 7.Daily spiritual experience was significantly related to positive emotion for elder learners. 8.Social connectedness was significantly related to positive emotion for elder learners. 9.The positive emotion of elder learners could be predicted by their daily spiritual experiences and social connectedness. Based on the results mentioned above, some practical and theoretical suggestions were proposed to elder learners, elder teachers, learning institutions for elders, and further study. Keywords: elder learners, daily spiritual experiences, social connectedness, positive emotion.


Emlet,C.A., & Moceri,J.T.(2012). The importance of social connectedness in building age-friendly communities. Journal of Aging Research, 1- 9.doi:10.1155/2012/173247


