  • 學位論文


The Lense, Truth and Dialog : The Research of the media access process of Grade 5 and 6 students and me

指導教授 : 鄭勝耀


本研究以「紀錄即為教育歷程」之概念而借用紀錄片拍片流程,作為研究者與國小高年級學生媒體近用歷程之研究架構。研究歷程中,研究者與學生共製兩部短片,旨以藉由兩段師生媒體近用的歷程,詳細紀錄師與生對媒體的反思與行動,儼然是一部研究者追尋自身從事教學活動意義之紀錄片。以教育部《媒體教育素養白皮書》培育健康媒體公民為理想,依英國David Buckingham「媒體素養教育師生共製媒體」及台灣井迎瑞「媒體近用即為教育歷程」為研究理論依據,研究參與者由第一階段29位到第二階段聚焦於3位,歷時一年五個月。 本研究之結論如下: 1. 國小高年級學生可藉由媒體近用的歷程體現「媒體再現」的本質。 2. 國小高年級學生可藉由媒體近用的歷程養成「批判思考」的態度。 3. 國小教師與高年級學生均可藉由媒體近用的歷程實踐「增能」的目標。 最後針對以上結論,提出以下建議: 1. 國小實施媒體素養教育不應受限於「媒體近用屬於高層次能力」之想法,「接近」媒體不等同於只是「使用」媒體!教師應以學生生活經驗為題材、以現代公民養成的教育目標出發,以「平等」與「尊重」的態度,與學生共同創作與欣賞媒體。 2. 教師之媒體素養能力與對媒體的態度,是媒體素養教育是否能執行之最重要因素。故國小師資培育宜全面納入媒體素養課程,且應特別強調媒體近用之引導與教學。 關鍵字:媒體近用、媒體素養教育、批判思考、增能、媒體公民


The concept of “records as educational process” was applied in this study to be the structure of the process of the media access of grade 5 and 6 elementary school students and the researcher by using the procedure of the filming of the record films. In the study, two short films were co-produced by the researcher and the students. The main theme was to record the researcher’s and students’ reflection and action towards the media through the process of the media access of them in the films. It is just like a record film of the researcher chasing the meaning of teaching. “The White Paper of Media Literacy” by MOE being the ideal, and the theory based on the “teacher and students co produce media” by David Buckingham in England and “media access as the educational process” by Jin-Ying Ray in Taiwan, 29 and 3 participants respectively participated in the research in different stages of the research, which took a year and five months. The results of the study are as follows: 1. The nature of the media representation could be revealed by the process of the media access of the grade 5 and 6 students. 2. Students’ attitude of critical thinking could be cultivated by the process of the media access of the grade 5 and 6 students. 3. The goal of empowerment on grade 5 and 6 students and teachers could be implemented by the process of the media access. Based on the results, suggestions are listed below. 1. The education in elementary schools shouldn’t be limited by the concept of “media access as high-level ability”. Instead, accessing media is not equivalent to merely using the media. Teachers should take students’ daily experience as the text, set the goal of cultivating citizens and hold the attitude of “equality” and “respect” to co-create and admire the media with students. 2. Teachers’ media literacy and their attitude towards media are the keys to implementing media literacy education in schools. Therefore, the curriculum of media literacy should be involved in teachers’ education and the instruction of media access should be emphasized, too. Key words: media access, media literacy, critical thinking, empowerment, media citizen.


楊意菁、陳芸芸譯 (2001)。Lawrence Grossberg, Ellen Wartella, & D. Charles Whitney著。媒體原理與塑造。台北:韋伯文化。


