  • 學位論文


The influences of attachment on adolescent academic achievement: Possible mediation through motivation and self-regulated learning

指導教授 : 沈玉玲


在父母親望子成龍,望女成鳳的心態下,家長無不希望自己的孩子可以在學校獲得好成績。獲得好成績不但表示孩子優秀,同時也對未來升學以及就業都有一定的幫助,因此如何增進學業成就成了眾人所關心的議題。過去研究發現,學生的學習動機(learning motivation)以及自我調整學習(self-regulated learning) 與學業成就有密切的關連(Pintrich & De Groot, 1990)。另一方面,與母親依附關係良好的個體,不但更能使個體與他人形成良好的依附關係,還能使個體有較好的適應(Bowlby, 1969)。除此之外,對國民義務教育階段的學生而言,老師的參與在學習中扮演重要的角色;老師在課堂上的教學與回饋,將是學生建立學科知識的重要過程。是以探討學生的學習成就不能忽略其與家長以及老師的關係。因此本研究欲瞭解親子依附關係、師生依附關係、學習動機、自我調整學習與學業成就之間的關連性。本研究以團體施測的問卷法,運用兩階段的實驗設計,在學期初測量親子依附關係、學習動機與學業成就,以及在學期末測量師生依附關係、學習動機與學業成就。本研究共邀請了459位受試者,國小五年級174人(48%男性)、國中七年級173人(59%男性)與八年級112人(55%男性)。首先ANOVA與t檢定的結果僅發現,親子依附關係、師生依附關係、自我調整學習會因為年級的增加而降低。迴歸分析的結果發現,親子依附關係、教師依附關係、學習動機與自我調整學習可以預測學業成就。最後以路徑分析的方式檢驗各變項間的關係,結果發現親子依附關係可以預測師生依附關係,師生依附關係可以預測學生的學習動機與自我調整學習,最後學習動機與自我調整學習可以預測學業成就。綜合以上研究結果可以推論出,若要促進學生學業成就,可以透過增進師生依附關係、學習動機與自我調整學習等方式。未來研究可以探討學習動機與自我調整學習的因果關係,或是如何促進學生學習動機與自我調整學習。


Early secure attachment has been found to be important for establishing later relationships with others and for other positive development. On the other hand, academic achievement in school, influenced by motivation and self-regulated learning, is a foundation for future success in educational attainment and career. The purpose of the current research is to explore the relationship between attachment and academic achievement. More specifically, this research aims to explore how fifth, seventh, and eighth graders’ attachment with their parents and teacher affects their school achievement, taken into consideration of their learning motivation and self-regulated learning. A self-report questionnaire including measures of parents-child attachment, teacher-student attachment, learning motivation, self-regulated learning, and the final grades was used. A two-phase design was employed to explore the temporal order of the study variables of attachment to teachers, motivation, and self-regulated learning. The participants in this study were 459 students of three different grade levels: 174 5th graders (48% boy) , 112 7th graders (59% boy) , and 112 8th graders (55% boy) . The results showed that there were differences between parents-child attachment, teacher-student attachment, and self-regulated learning by grade levels. The various regressional analyses indicated that the study variables predicted school grades at a different degree. Using the path analysis, the results showed that students who have a better attachment to parents had better attachment to teachers; a better attachment to teachers, in turn, was related to better learning motivation and self-regulated learning, and finally a better academic achievement. The findings of this research provided more insights of the importance of adolescent attachment to parents and teachers to their learning motivation and learning behavior, and eventually, their school grades. The educational implications of this study were also discussed




