  • 學位論文


The Curriculum Leadership of the Elementary School Director of Administration­—A Case Study of Three Elementary Schools in Chiayi.

指導教授 : 蔡清田


本研究旨在探討國民小學教務主任在課程領導中的角色,以及教務主任在情境分析、願景建構、課程設計、課程實施,課程評鑑、教師專業發展之領導任務。為達成上述之目的,本研究以嘉義縣三所國民小學的教務主任為研究對象,透過訪談、文獻分析的方法蒐集資料,並加以整理、歸納與分析,以深入瞭解三位教務主任在課程領導的實際作為。根據本研究之發現,歸納出以下幾項結論: 一、教務主任的角色:課程領導的工作職責相當廣泛,教務主任會隨著不同情境扮演 著不同的角色,以達成課程領導之效;雖然課程領導的角色多元化,三位教務主任仍堅守以教育為本質、以學生為主體的教育信念。 二、情境分析:從情境分析中發現過去的課程零散無系統、各自為陣,因此三位教務主任經由不斷的反思與覺察,檢視過去課程缺失,轉化成新經驗。 三、願景建構:三位教務主任皆能引領著成員共同檢視與再思課程願景,並透過各項課程計畫的配合與規劃,將課程願景真正落實。唯不足的是,在建構願景的歷程中,教師多表示無意見,顯現其共同參與度尚不積極。 四、方案設計:三位教務主任的領導策略不同,所設計的課程方案也不全然相同,形成獨具風格的課程。但他們的目標皆是引導教師將課程方案與學校願景、課程目標、學校特色做緊密結合。 五、課程實施:三位教務主任能察覺課程實施中可能之影響因素,並善用策略因應之。在行政層面上,能提供行政支援、爭取內外部資源並扮演溝通協調的角色;在教師層面上,能關注教師的心理、尊重教師的決定、給予教師討論的空間。 六、課程評鑑:三位教務主任皆瞭解課程評鑑之重要性,並積極的進行課程評鑑,透過不同方式進行課程評鑑,以改進課程缺失。但仍發現有許多待檢視之處:1.缺乏嚴謹的評鑑機制;2.以外部評鑑為主;3.教師的抗力因素,故評鑑仍未落實。 七、教師專業發展:三位教務主皆重視教師專業發展,並利用不同的領導策略,如:專業社群、週三進修研習、推動領域小組、鼓勵教師參與教師專業評鑑、鼓勵教師在職進修、依個人專長安排進修、培育種子師資等方式,增進教師專業發展。 最後,依據本研究之結論,分別對教務主任、教育行政主管機關及未來欲探討教務主任課程領導之相關研究等提出建議。


This research is mainly aimed at discussing the role that the director of administration of the elementary school plays in curriculum leadership and the directors of administration task in leading situational analysis, vision building, curriculum design, curriculum implementation, curriculum evaluation and teachers’ professional development. To achieve the purposes above, it studies the directors of administration of three elementary schools in Chiayi County to get a further understanding of the three directors of administration’ real performance in curriculum leadership by sorting, generalizing and analyzing the data collected through interviews and literature analysis. The following conclusions are summarized according to the research findings. I. The role of directors of administration: the curriculum leadership has a quite wide range of responsibilities. The directors of administration would play different roles in different situations so as to achieve the effect of curriculum leadership. Though the role of the curriculum leadership is diversified, the three directors of administration still hold the education-based and students-oriented teaching idea. II. Situational Analysis: it’s found through situational analysis that the past curriculums were scattered and unsystematic and separated from each other. Therefore, the three directors of administration reviewed deficiencies in past curriculums and turned them into new experience through introspection and detection. III. Vision Building: all the three directors of administration can lead their members to review and rethink the curriculum visions together and put them into practice through cooperation and planning of curriculum plans. The only downside is that most teachers express no opinion during vision building, showing that they are not active participants. IV.Program Design: the three directors of administration’ leadership strategies are different, so are their curriculum programs, which are peculiar. However, all their objectives are leading teachers to integrating curriculum programs, school visions, curriculum objectives and schools features closely. V. Curriculum Implementation: all the three directors of administration can perceive the possible influencing factors in curriculum implementation and are good at coping with them with strategies. At administrative level, they can provide administrative support, strive for internal and external resources and play a role in communication and coordination. At teachers’ level, they can pay attention to their psychology, respect their decisions and give them space for discussion. VI. Curriculum Evaluation: all the three directors of administration know the importance of curriculum evaluation and conduct it positively. They improve the shortcomings of curriculums by conducting curriculum evaluation in different ways. However, they still found there are many places to be inspected: 1. it lacks strict evaluation mechanism; 2. it is based on external evaluation; 3. resistance of teachers. So the evaluation is not implemented. VII. Teachers’ Professional Development: all the three directors of administration value teachers’ professional development and use different leadership strategies, such as professional association, advanced study on Wednesdays, promoting field groups, encouraging teachers to participate in professional evaluation, arranging teachers to engage in advanced studies according to their specialties and cultivating seed teachers, in order to enhance teachers’ professional development. At last, this research makes suggestions to directors of administration, educational administration authority and future related researches on curriculum leadership of directors of administration respectively according to the research conclusions.




