  • 學位論文


Understanding the Factors Influencing Knowledge Transfer Success from the Knowledge Contributors Perspective

指導教授 : 洪新原


知識轉移對於現今的企業而言,可以加強企業中知識的流動及利用,並用以增加競爭優勢。因此,企業除了要讓員工主動的分享知識之外,也必須要讓知識能夠順利的轉移到知識接受者的身上,才能讓企業知識創造更多的價值。然而,過去有許多研究去探討如何加強知識轉移的績效,但多從組織層級、團隊層級或是轉移方法等去做探討。本研究以知識貢獻者的觀點,利用動機理論,以知識編碼勞力、知識力量損失、知識自我效能、利他主義、個人認同、專業能力、經濟回報、結果預期、高階主管支持、認知易用性、經驗等共11項變數進行探討,來找出對於企業員工的知識轉移意願和知識轉移滿意度的影響因素。 在資料蒐集部份,是以有導入知識管理系統的企業員工做為問卷發放對象,共回收191份有效問卷,分析結果發現:針對知識轉移意願部份,內在動機是以利他主義的影響最大,外在動機則是以高階主管支持的影響最大。針對知識轉移滿意度部分,內在動機是以知識自我效能的影響最大,外在動機則以結果預期的影響力最大。最後,我們提出學術上與實務上建議,提供利害關係人參考。


Although prior studies already explored how to enhance the performance of knowledge transfer, they ignored the influencing factors which could achieve knowledge transfer success from the perspective of knowledge contributors. This study developed the research model based on motivational theory and identified 11 critical factors influencing intention to knowledge transfer and knowledge transfer satisfaction. A survey was conducted and questionnaires were distributed to respondents with experience of using knowledge management systems. Finally, 191 valid responses were collected. The result showed that, of the impacts of intrinsic motivation, altruism most affects intention to knowledge transfer and self-efficacy most affects knowledge transfer satisfaction. Additionally, of the impacts of extrinsic motivation, top management support most affects intention to knowledge transfer and outcome expectation most affects knowledge transfer satisfaction. Finally, academic and managerial implications from the findings are also provided.


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