  • 學位論文

以繪本教學實施國小低年級學童校園霸凌防治知識宣導及同理心發展之研究 ─ 以台南市某國小為例

A Research on Low-Graders' Bullying Prevention Knowledge Advocacy and Empathy Development via Picture Book Instruction in Elementary School - A Case Study in one Elementary School in Tainan City

指導教授 : 鄭瑞隆


本篇論文旨在探討繪本教學對國小低年級學童校園霸凌防治知識及同理心發展影響之研究。 霸凌事件中,不論是霸凌者、被霸凌者或是旁觀者,皆埋下長期負面的影響,是以,杜絕校園霸凌,供予學童安全無虞的學習環境,是教育工作者首要目標。而霸凌事件發生年齡有下降趨勢,且同理心對於校園暴力與衝突事件相互有關聯性,因此,宣導校園反霸凌知識及教導學童同理心之發展應從低年級扎根教育做起。爲達此目標,研究者以低年級學童喜愛之「繪本教學」方式進行為期一個月的校園反霸凌宣導教育,每週安排兩節課時間進行繪本導讀,以及共同討論繪本學習單之延伸活動。 本研究以自編之「校園霸凌防治知識」問卷以及王雅君(1998)編製之「兒童同理心量表」為量化研究工具,並輔以「繪本學習單」及「繪本教學活動感想問卷」等質化資料補充解釋,以瞭解繪本教學對於國小低年級學童校園霸凌防治知識及同理心發展之影響。本研究採取準實驗設計之「不等組前測-後測設計」,對研究者任教之班級(二年6班)及另一班(二年3班)進行前測後,研究者於任教班級進行實驗處理(繪本教學課程),另一班則不給予任何教學指導,然後對此兩班均施予後測(實驗處理一週內)及追蹤測驗(實驗處理六週後),進而蒐集量化資料分析其結果,並以質化資料輔助說明。 研究結果顯示,國小低年級學童經過繪本教學後,其觀察組與對照組在校園霸凌防治知識方面的立即性與延宕性效果上均具顯著差異,而同理心之發展方面,有立即性效果之顯著差異,無延宕性效果之顯著差異。此外,國小低年級學童認為繪本教學有助提升學習動機與學習成效,故可做為實務工作者在霸凌防治知識宣導及同理心發展教育上之參考方法。


This study investigated how picture book instruction influences the campus bullying prevention knowledge and empathy development of early elementary school students. During a bullying incident, the bullies, their victims, and the bystanders are all negatively influenced. Thus, eliminating bullying and providing students with a safe learning environment is a primary objective of educators. The occurrence of bullying tends to decrease as age increases, and campus violence and conflicts are correlated with empathy. Therefore, advocating antibullying knowledge on campus and teaching empathy development should begin during the fundamental education that occurs in the early grade levels. To achieve these objectives, the researcher adopted picture book instruction, which is favored by early grade pupils, to conduct a 1-month advocacy education of antibullying on campus. During this month, 2 sessions were arranged each week for picture book introduction and extended activities, during which the teacher and pupils collectively discussed the learning sheets. The self-constructed campus bullying prevention knowledge questionnaire and the children empathy scale created by Wang (1998) were adopted as the quantitative research instruments. In addition, qualitative data were collected using picture book learning sheets and the picture book instruction feedback questionnaire; these sources provided a supplementary explanation, elucidating how picture book instruction influences the campus bullying prevention knowledge and empathy development of early elementary school students. The nonequivalent pretest-posttest of the quasiexperimental design was applied. Pretests and posttests were conducted on a class (second grade, Class 6) taught by the researcher and another class (second grade, Class 3). The class taught by the researcher was administered the picture book instruction, whereas no instructions were provided to the control class. Subsequently, the researcher conducted a posttest (within 1 week after the experiment) and follow-up test (6 weeks after the experiment) on the 2 classes, collecting quantitative data for analysis, which were supplemented with qualitative data to facilitate the study investigation. The research findings showed a significant difference in the immediate and delayed effects of campus bullying prevention knowledge between the observation and control groups. In addition, the groups demonstrated significant differences in the immediate effects of empathy development, but no significant differences in the delayed effects. Moreover, early elementary school pupils expressed that picture book instruction enhanced their learning motivation and performance. Thus, these findings can serve as a reference for practical workers to facilitate advocating bullying prevention knowledge and promoting empathy development.


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