  • 學位論文


Fushan Research Center Inspired Environmental Education Course

指導教授 : 蔡清田


本研究旨在探究自然教育場所推動環境教育課程發展的歷程,以課程發展架構的情境分析、願景建構、課程設計、課程實施與課程評鑑深入了解推動環境教育的問題、影響因素與省思,研究結果以提供有意推動環境教育的非正規教育場所與教育工作者之參考。 為達成上述之目的,本研究採個案研究法,以林業試驗所福山研究中心為研究個案,以參與福山研究中心推動環境教育課程發展之相關人員為研究對象,透過訪談、非參與式觀察及文件分析等方法進行資料的蒐集,並加以整理、歸納與分析。 根據本研究之發現,歸納出以下幾項結論: 一、在情境分析階段,福山研究中心領導者與組織成員未共同討論分析,掌握整個區域內外的優勢與劣勢,研究發現,福山研究中心的「優勢」為天然且易親近的自然生態、自然生態研究成果豐碩、免費入園、舉辦自然生態活動經驗豐富等,「劣勢」包含位置偏僻、交通不便、人數限制、無獨立推廣經費與專職人員等,尚未思考解決策略或配套措施將劣勢專為優勢或機會點。 二、在願景建構階段,福山研究中心發展環境教育課程尚未受到上級單位林業試驗所的支持,是否能永續發展為未知數,因此沒有具體規劃出願景與長程計畫目標,組織成員充滿不安定感,對於課程發展方向與領導者有不同想法,目前主要是依據現有經費、資源以及領導者的想法,逐步實施推廣。 三、在課程設計階段,採用與教育單位合作的方式,建立課程發展模式,從確立課程內容主軸,到舉辦教師研習活動,教師設計課程並進行第一次試教,然後由組織成員修改課程,進行第二次試教,最後再修改完成課程方案。合作過程,教師、領導者與組織成員三方對於課程設計理念不完全相同,導致課程設計成果與中心設定的目標有差距,以及課程實施與設計內容有落差的情況。 四、在課程實施階段,透過與國小合作方式實施課程,課程實施前,缺乏與學校以及教師說明課程方案內容,未提供課程相關資料讓教師做行前說明;天氣狀況、學生的學習態度與班級學習氣氛為影響課程實施的三大因素;課程實施後的調程,包含增加綜合講評與觀察體驗時間,減少講解時間,改變講解方式。 五、在課程評鑑階段,福山研究中心在福氣深呼吸、福山植物人與福山真水劇場課程方案中以具體描述課程目標與評量方式,呈現出課程評鑑的雛型,但並未具體的建構評量資料蒐集與整理的機制,以及教學成果呈現管道。三套課程評鑑結果,學生在環境覺知與敏感度和環境價值觀與態度上有明顯的提昇。 綜合本研究的發現,研究者提出非正規環境教育場域發展環境教育歷程的建議及未來研究的參考,供個案福山研究中心、公部門上級單位、發展環境教育課程相關單位及未來研究之參考。


The purpose of study was to discover the track of how nature environment inspired environmental education course through different methods such as analyzing course development structure under various circumstances, vision construction, course development, course operation and course evaluation to understand the problem, effect, introspection and result on driving environmental education in order to provide relevant data and reference to participates in the field of environmental education. To achieve the purposes above, this research would adopt Case Study method by interviewing various participants who had related with environmental education development within Fushan Research Center, Forestry Research Institute. The interview would also combined with third-party observation and profile evaluation before processed data analysis, evaluate and summarize. According to this research, I had concluded following results as below: 一、During field analysis stage this research indicated that the team leader and members of Fushan Research Center did not discuses and analysis the advantages and disadvantages of research field. As the concluded results pointed that the advantage of Fushan Research Center was its nature and friendly eco-environment, plentiful research results, free entrance and experimental in eco-environmental events. For the disadvantages site, including location, traffic, tour number restriction, no independent finance and professional resources that these could all be solved and turned into advantages for used and attracted points. 二、For further construction stage, Fushan Research Center had not won the support from management level regarding its environmental course development. As the result, the development and plan for further goal and target did not process, moreover, team members were hold different prospects for the development, which caused unstable atmosphere around. In the point, they can only relied on current resources and budget based on their leaders given to take further step. 三、On the course development stage it adopted a way to corporate with education institute to build up a basic model, which include course content, practice course for teachers, course design and trial course, and adjust it through members from institute to process further trial course to reach the complete of course proposals. During the corporation, teachers, leaders and members of institute could not align theirs course concepts which lead a lake process to the goal which center set, furthermore resulted in a huge different between course design concepts and in practice. 四、During the course practice stage, through the corporation with elementary school, this research had not provided the exact practice contents and information, relevant resource and practice demonstration and students’ attitudes and learning atmosphere which has been seen as three major effect to the course process. The adjustment had been made included increase observation and common period, decrease explain time and method. 五、In course evaluation stage, Fushan Research Center had been hold various events like Fushan deep breath, 福山植物人and 福山真水劇場courses to describe specific course targets and evaluation methods which demonstrated the basic model. However, it did not provide more specific recommendation regarding data collection, summary mechanism and presentation of teaching results. After study three courses, the results demonstrated that students had positive increased their sense and attitude toward environmental values. In conclusion, researcher had proposed this unofficial environmental course to the field for study and reference for Fushan Research Center, authority level, courses development department and further research use.


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