  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Mainland Tourists on Local Industry in Taiwan:A Case Study of the Alishan Area

指導教授 : 謝敏捷


2008年7月開放陸客來台觀光對阿里山地方發展帶來觀光衝擊,本研究之目的是從政府、觀光產業與民眾等利害關係人之觀點探討陸客來台對阿里山地區的經濟、環境與社會文化之正負面影響,以文獻分析法及深度訪談法,針對三大面向作深入探討與分析。研究主要結果為: 一、經濟發展:正面影響包括促進觀光業蓬勃發展、增加就業機會、增加企業投資。負面影響包括外資併購台灣觀光產業、產業投資過剩削價競爭、旅館專業人員不足、過度依賴陸客、兩岸觀光旅遊產業病態發展等。 二、環境生態:正面影響包括加速改善觀光基礎設施、對外交通情形獲得改善。負面影響包括人數太多造成觀光設施不足、環境髒亂、旅遊品質下降、排擠其他遊客、阿里山公路負載量大無替代道路、帶來疾病等。 三、社會文化:正面影響包括讓遊客更了解在地文化、促進產業提升及地方共識、文化活動的多樣性、建立鄒族的信心與榮譽感及發展文化產業、促進文化交流、尊重文化差異等;負面影響包括大陸人文素質落後、產生排擠效應、對鄒族文化沒有助益、鄒族傳統文化過度商業化等。 本研究建議包括提昇陸客團體旅遊品質,杜絕產業一條龍;嚴格取締阿里山高山茶混充茶葉,加強網路行銷通路;阿里山地區(含森林遊樂區)由觀光主管機關統一管理;積極輔導阿里山觀光產業提昇品質、積極輔導管控數量;建置完善之阿里山交通系統;觀光客輸入多元發展,不能依賴單一國家;改善兩岸旅遊產業不健康之結構狀況;發展深度區域旅遊,提供陸客團行第二種選擇。


觀光衝擊 陸客 阿里山


Mainland tourists have been allowed to visit Taiwan since July 2008, which has had an impact on local development in the Alishan area. This research aims to study the positive and negative impacts such tourism has had on the Alishan area—including economic, environmental, social and cultural impacts—from the perspectives of the government, tourism industries, and local residents. Through documentary analysis and in-depth interviews, this study explores and analyzes three significant areas, with the major findings as follows: 1.Economic development: The positive impacts include a flourishing tourism industry, increased job opportunities, and increased business investment. The possible negative impacts include the following: foreign capital merging investment in the tourism industry, price wars (attributed to over-investment), a lack of professional staff in hotels, excessive dependence on mainland tourists, and the pathological development of cross-strait travel and tourism industries. 2.Ecology and environment: Mainland tourism has helped accelerate improvements in tourism infrastructure and external transportation, which has had a positive impact. However, there are insufficient tourist facilities, and the tourism increase has produced a dirtier environment, a decline in travel quality, a crowding-out effect on other tourists, increased traffic on the Alishan highway with no alternative route, and an increased probability of disease outbreaks. 3.Social and culture: The positive cultural impacts include the following: a better understanding of local culture and the sharing of that culture with tourists, industrial enhancement, improved local consensus, an increase in the variety of cultural activities, increased confidence and pride among the Tsou people, development of the cultural industry, and the promotion of cultural interaction and respect for cultural differences. The negative impacts include the lower humanities quality of mainland tourists, a crowding-out effect that is detrimental to the Tsou culture, and the commercialization of traditional Tsou culture. To enhance travel quality for mainland tourists, this study recommends the following: putting an end to the connected sequence for the procurement of supplies, production, and marketing; clamping down on the marketing of inauthentic teas as Taiwanese Alishan tea; and strengthening Internet marketing channels. Moreover, management of the Alishan area (including the Forest Recreation Area) should be centralized by the Department of Tourism so it can actively counsel the Alishan tourism industry to help control quality and quantity and build a comprehensive transportation system. Instead of relying on tourists from a single country, there should be more diversity in Alishan tourism. Furthermore, the poor structural conditions of the cross-strait travel industry must be improved. Finally, in-depth regional travel should also be developed to provide other options for mainland tourist groups.


tourism impact mainland tourists Alishan


