  • 學位論文


Research on the Experiential Learning for the Re-Employment of Retired Women

指導教授 : 蔡秀美


本研究採質性研究半結構訪談之方式,以台南地區三位已再就業且退休二年以上的退休婦女為對象,根據本研究目的:1.探討退休婦女再就業的動機。2.探究退休婦女再就業的歷程與經驗中,所經歷的學習內涵。3.了解退休婦女再就業學習後的影響與收穫。所得結論分以下三部分,摘述如下: 壹、退休婦女再就業的動機為:改善退休生活、自我興趣的擴展、友伴他人的鼓勵、增加收入。 貳、退休婦女再就業主要學習內涵 一、 退休婦女再就業主要學習方法:專業知能的培訓與證照考驗、做中學,經驗統整、自我導向,多元學習、觀摩他人。 二、 退休婦女發展出儲備、參與、延續,屬於自己的再就業技巧。 退休婦女巧妙運用自身具有的各項資源,讓自己就業順利,又能滿足自我要求。 儲備再就業技巧:覺察再就業訊息、學習奠定再就業知能、檢視評估有利經驗,省思再就業合適性。 參與再就業技巧:掌握工作特性、自我充實專業、善用經驗資源。 延續再就業技巧:自我品牌特色型塑、運用人際關係,傳播行銷,結合團體資源、嘗試創新。 三、退休婦女再就業態度表現:自信不怕難的樂觀態度、學習成長的敬業態度、情感聯繫的照顧態度、安排、掌控職場的自主態度。 四、再就業困難:難以避免的老化羈絆;就業情境變化多,支撐辛苦維持難;女性角色限制 再就業困難因應:少而美的精兵策略,隨時退出打算;女性角色是限制也是幸福。 五、退休婦女再就業角色扮演:重回職場開心的「工作者」、參與社會,認真的「學習者」、有能力,經驗豐富的「專業者」、陷於兩難的「尷尬者」 叁、退休婦女再就業影響: 個人層面:新思維、新角色展開退休新生涯;學習就業陪伴,繼續探索下半生;滿足現狀,坦然面對老年。 社會層面:發揮餘熱,再度活躍;創新中高齡舞台,活化中高齡社會;第三度就業不期盼,坦然退出不遺憾。 建議: 壹、 對即將退休或已退休婦女之建議 一 、珍視退休再就業的需求,透過學習改善自己的退休生活。 二、 轉化自己的學習與經驗為再就業動能,發展儲備、參與、延續再就業技巧,投入再就業。 三、 運用退休婦女再就業照顧關懷特質,結合女性合作力量組成團體。 四、 藉學習提升退休婦女權利意識,以再就業積極改造中高齡社會。 貳、對政府機構者之建議 一、 重視退休婦女再就業時代趨勢,辦理多元退休婦女學習課程,強化退休婦女人力。 二、 協助成立提供生活關懷,學習成長,鼓勵再就業發展的退休婦女團體。 三、 退休婦女經驗可成為課程內容,培育退休婦女為種籽講師。 四、 辦理再就業學習課程,融入女性意識議題,才能順利推動退休婦女再就業。 叁、 對未來研究之建議 一、研究對象的選擇建議擴大不同背景 二、可採用不同研究方法進行研究


This study uses a qualitative research by way of semi-structured interviews, takes three re-employed women who have been retired for at least two years from Tainan area as our subjects. Our research purposes: 1. Explore the re-employment motivation of retired women. 2. Explore the learning connotation retired women experience from their re-employment process and experience. 3. Understand the impact and effect of learning connotation after re-employment of retired women. We get conclusions of the following three parts, which are summarized as follows: I. Motivations for re-employment of retired women are: improve retired life, extend self-interests, encourage and make companions with others, increase income and improve revenue. II. Main learning connotation for re-employment of retired women 1. Major learning methods for re-employment of retired women: professional knowledge training, experience integration of learning by doing, self-directed learning, observation of others. 2. Re-employment skills retired women develop on their own: reserves of re-employment skills, participation of re-employment skills, and continuation of re-employment skills. Retired women cleverly make use of the resources they possess to make their employment go well; also meet the requirements of themselves. Reserves of re-employment skills: Aware and discover re-employment messages, observe and assess favorable experiences to reflect on the appropriateness of re-employment. Participation of re-employment skills: Understand work characteristics, self-fulfill to improve professional values, take advantage of experience resources. Continuation of re-employment skills: Shape characteristics of the self-brand, combine community resources with the use of interpersonal relationship and propagation of marketing, try to innovate at work. 4. Attitude for re-employment of retired women: confidence and optimism of boldness, professionalism of learning and growing, caring attitude of relationship connection, and independent attitude of control and organize of the workplace. 5. Difficulties for re-employment: the inevitable aging factors; changing nature of the employment environment; limitations of female characters. Coping for difficulties of re-employment: graceful elite strategy, exit plan at any time; a restriction as well as bless as a female role. 6. Roles to play for re-employment of retired women: a happy “worker” who returns to workplace, a serious “learner” who participates in society, an experienced “professional”, an “awkward person” who is caught in a dilemma. III. Effects for re-employment of retired women: on individual dimension: glad to start a new role in employment, learn to explore the rest of her life, satisfied with the status quo and comfortable to face her late stage; on social dimension: continue to play an active role, be innovative and active in old age, and peacefully exit without regrets.


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辜慧瑩(2001)。退休適應性別差異之研究。國立政治大學社會學研究所碩士論 文,未出版,台北市。


