  • 學位論文

中小企業發展策略之研究 -以A塑膠公司為例

Small business development strategy– Case sudy of a Plastic manufacturer A

指導教授 : 鍾憲瑞


摘  要 中小企業在台灣經濟發展沿革上,對國家的繁榮與社會的安定扮演舉足輕重的角色,是台灣產業脈動的骨幹,也是台灣經濟發展之中流砥柱。因此台灣中小企業的生存與發展,不但是政府在擬定經濟發展政策不可忽視的問題,更是中小企業經營者無可迴避的首重課題。 雖說政府有心於扶助中小企業,但一來中小企業行業繁雜,家數眾多,恐力有未逮。二來中小企業經營者資訊封閉,對政府輔助法令不嫻熟,以致中小企業經營者大部分只能自立自強。因此在資源有限、人才短缺的先天條件限制下,台灣中小企業經營者在如何引領企業,突破難關、超越障礙,讓企業成長茁壯,並永續發展的經營管理思考上,學術殿堂的策略理論當可成為中小企業經營者的最佳指引工具。 本研究的目的即希望藉由企業成長理論、SWOT分析及管理策略理論,用質性研究的方法,透過個案討論,檢視研究者本身從事企業經營之良窳,或可以此為借鏡,不但規劃自身企業未來發展之藍圖,亦可供業界先進之參考,若有幸承蒙各專家學者之指教,更是幸甚!


ABSTRACT Small business plays a significant role in the economic development of Taiwan. Small businesses have long been the backbone of the economy and help with the socialization of Taiwan society. The continuos development of small business possesses great challenge for business owners and the Taiwanese government. The challenge comes from the nature of wide spreadouts of small business and the owners’ lack of information to available supports. Although limited in resources, small business owners can still apply strategic thinking with proper strategy alignnemts using strong business theories. This research is to apply case study to measure the success of business operations of a plastic manufacturer in Taiwan. It’s a qualitative approach study that might be reviewed in different angles.


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