  • 學位論文


An Analysis towards the Learning of the Retired Middle Age and Elder Who Start the Career Again - A Study on the Retired Government Employees, Military Services and Teachers.

指導教授 : 魏惠娟


本研究以質性研究法探討中高齡者退休後再就業的學習歷程,針對十三位軍公教退休人員進行半結構式訪談,研究目的為一、探討中高齡者退休後再就業的動機與參與情況。二、探討中高齡者退休後再就業所進行學習的歷程。三、透過受訪者親身經歷,給予即將退休也預備再就業的中高齡者建議。 研究發現退休前若有較完善的退休規劃或準備,則退休後會有較好的生活適應,也較順利再就業。中高齡者退休後再就業的學習歷程依照個人的需求逐步進行規劃,每一階段經歷的時間因人而異。 本研究以主題分析的方式將軍公教人員退休後再就業所進行的學習歷程分為「啟程探索」、「調適學習」、「重建定位」及「未來展望」等四個階段。研究結論如下: 一、啟程探索階段 (一)中高齡者退休生涯早已做好規劃,退休適應佳。 (二)退休原因會影響退休工作的安排。 (三)軍公教退休人員再就業的動機,除了健康狀況、經濟需求、心靈寄託、自我實現、貢獻社會等因素,還要能符合興趣。 (四)軍公教退休人員受到成功案例的激勵,而再就業。 (五)軍公教退休人員會因朋友的引薦,再投入職場 (六)軍公教退休人員會因宗教信仰,再投入職場 二、調適學習階段 (一)面對社會上的新任務挑戰,中高齡者透過參與社會學習活動,可應變角色的轉變。 (二)軍公教退休人員透過多元學習方式來因應障礙,學習專業知識與技能。 (三)再就業中遇到的困境,是退休者自我導向學習的起點。 (四)做中學,職場中的經驗有助於學習。 三、重建定位階段 (一)軍公教退休人員透過再就業更認識自己,開發潛能,產生全新專業自我。 (二)軍公教退休人員藉由再工作中體悟生活意義,增長信心。 (三)軍公教退休人員轉換心態,更有彈性接受環境的挑戰。 四、未來展望階段 (一)培養出學習興趣,學無止境,組織或參與讀書會。 (二)凡走過必留下痕跡,技巧不藏私,樂於與後輩分享。 (三)促進理論與實務連結的互動。 (四)集結同好成立公益社團或協會,回饋社會。 最後根據研究結論,提出以下建議: 一、對政府短期、中期、長期建議 (一)短期-善用退休人力資源,在公部門與民間企業加強宣導 (二)中期-有誘因,鼓勵退休再就業 (三)長期-提供多元退休方式,保障老年生活 二、對職業訓練中心建議 (一)針對退休再就業人士設立專班 (二)因應需求,開辦創業相關課程 三、對中高齡者建議 (一)放下身段以增加再就業機會 (二)依個人需求選擇再就業職業 (三)終生學習,培養專長 四、對未來研究的建議:建議後續研究可朝機構是否提供屆退的員工相關的教育訓練進一步探討。


This study applies qualitative research method to discuss about the learning processes of the retired middle age and elder who start the career again. The researcher uses the skill of semi-structured interview 13 retired middle age and elder government employees, military servicers as well as teachers. The purposes of this study are: I.To discuss the motivations and participation situations of the retired middle age and elder who start the career again. II.To discuss the learning processes of the retired middle age and elder who start the career again. III.According to what the researcher discovers from the interviewees, the researcher concludes some concrete suggestions for the other middle age and elder who are going to retire, yet also are ready to start the next stage of career. The researcher discovers that if the middle age and elder have some certain plans or preparations for the retirement, if so, then they tend to better retired life adaption, and the retirement preparation would also benefit them with starting a new career. The learning process of the middle age and elder who start career again shall be planned according to personal needs step by step; and the duration of each stage in the whole processes depends on the different situations of each person. This study applies the method of subject analysis to sort the learning processes of the middle age and elder government employees, military servicers as well as teachers out into 4 stages. The 4 stages are "start to discover," "adapt to learning," "self-reposition," and "future expectations." The conclusions of the study are as below: I.The stage of starting to discover: A.The middle age and elder are with good plans for the retirement and they do have good life adaptation after retiring. B.The reasons why these middle age and elder get retired influence the arrangement of starting the new career. C.The motivations of the middle age and elder retired government employees, military servicers and teachers to start the new career are various, including the good physical status, economical needs, commitment to spirit, self-realization, devotion to the society, and so on. Meanwhile, the new career must be something that meets the middle age and elder's interests. D.The middle age and elder retired government employees, military servicers and teachers got inspired by some other successful career start-up cases, and thus they make up minds to put themselves into the new career. E.The middle age and elder retired government employees, military servicers and teachers start up the new career for the fact of their friends' recommendation. F.The middle age and elder retired government employees, military servicers and teachers start up the new career for the reason of religious beliefs. II.The stage of adapting to learning A.Facing the new tasks and challenges of the society, the middle age and elder can adapt their new social roles according to participating in social learning activities. B.Through multiple learning ways, the middle age and elder retired government employees, military servicers and teachers respond to obstacles, learn professional knowledge and skills. C.The difficulties of the new career are indeed the retirees' starting up point to self-directed learning. D.Learning by doing, the experience of the new career is indeed helping the learning. III.The stage of self-reposition A.By starting up the new career, the middle age and elder retired government employees, military servicers and teachers could know themselves better, develop their potential abilities and produce a whole new professional oneself. B.Through the new career the middle age and elder retired government employees, military servicers and teachers comprehend the life meaning and grow self-confidence. C.The middle age and elder retired government employees, military servicers and teachers change their own mindsets to accept more flexibly the challenges from the new environment. IV.The stage of future expectation A.Cultivate the learning habits, realize there's no end in learning and to organize or participate in study groups. B.Footprints in the sand show where one has been. So they hide no skills behind, and are willing to share with the juniors. C.To promote the interactions between theory and practices. D.To assemble the peers to establish public ware fare clubs or association to reward the society. Finally, according to above conclusions, the researcher provides the suggestions as below: I.The short, mid and long-term suggestions toward the government A.Short-term: Strengthen up the advertisement to make good use of the retired human resources within the governmental departments as well as the private enterprises. B.Mid-term: Offer predispositions, to encourage the retirees to start the career again. C.Long-term: Provide diversified ways of retirements to guarantee the elder lives. II.The suggestions toward the job training center A.To set up education program for the retirees who start new careers. B.To meet up the retirees' needs to arrange the career starting up related courses. III.The suggestions toward the middle age and elder A.Humble yourself to increase the chance to start a new career B.To choose the new career according to personal needs C.To train up new professional specialties by lifelong learning. IV.The suggestions toward the future related studies The researcher suggests the following up related studies could discuss more about if the organizations provide the employees who will soon retire the related educational trainings.


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林彥汝(2015)。影響 中高齡男性參與學習意圖因素之研究─ 計畫行為理論之觀點〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614025175
