  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship between the Proactive Coping Ability and the Retirement Preparation – the Case of Middle-aged Police Officers in Chiayi County

指導教授 : 魏惠娟


本研究旨在探討嘉義縣中高齡警察人員前瞻因應能力與退休準備之整體情形及其關係,並根據研究結果提出具體建議,以提供中高齡警察人員及政府相關單位參考。本研究採用問卷調查法,利用問卷施測以蒐集實證性資料,做為分析討論之依據,輔以國內外相關文獻資料的蒐集,予以進行歸納、探討與分析。 根據研究發現,本研究獲致的結論如下: 一、中高齡警察人員的前瞻因應能力介於「我經常這樣」與「我有時這樣」間,屬「中等程度」。 二、中高齡警察人員的退休準備程度介於「曾想過但尚未開始準備」與「開始行動了」間,屬「中等程度」。 三、中高齡警察人員參與「學習或培訓課程」的意願不高。 四、愈接近退休年齡的中高齡警察人員,退休準備的程度愈高。 五、教育程度高的中高齡警察人員在前瞻因應能力與退休準備程度都較佳。 六、單身的中高齡警察人員較具前瞻因應能力。 七、健康狀況良好的中高齡警察人員在前瞻因應能力與退休準備程度較好。 八、中高齡警察人員的經濟狀況愈好,其退休準備程度就愈高。 九、中高齡警察人員的前瞻因應能力愈高,退休準備程度就愈高。 根據上述研究結果,本研究針對中高齡警察人員、政府相關單位及後續研究提出建議,臚列如下: 一、對中高齡警察人員之建議 (一)建議中高齡警察人員應及早培養前瞻因應的意識。 (二)建議中高齡警察人員投入更多的退休準備。 (三)建議中高齡警察人員多接觸不同領域人事物,培養第二專長活化豐富退休生活。 (四)建議中高齡警察人員多參與多元學習活動或再進修,保持學習態度及創新精神。 二、對政府相關單位之建議 (一)建議政府應補足警察機關的人力,以衡平繁重警察勤務。 (二)建議政府應提供多面向的退休準備教育講座及多元的學習管道。 三、對後續研究之建議 (一)在研究對象上:建議擴大研究範圍,以瞭解在其他區域的中高齡警察人員之前瞻因應能力與退休準備程度。 (二)在研究工具上:建議再注意問卷用詞,避免受試者填答時的詮釋與解讀有所偏誤,使研究工具更完善。 (三)在研究方法上:建議後續研究能加入深度訪談,以充分瞭解影響樣本前瞻因應能力與退休準備的原因,以獲得詳實的研究結果。


The purpose of this study was to explore and analyze the relationship between the proactive coping ability and the retirement preparation of the middle-aged police officers in Chiayi county. According to the conclusion, this study provided suggestions for government and the middle-aged police officers. The method of the study was based on questionnaire survey, by making a questionnaire to collect the data of substantial evidence. Also assisting with the collection of foreign and domestic related literature review, which will be the discussion for inducing, studying and analyzing. The finding of this study were summarized as follows: 1.It was moderate in the proactive coping ability of the middle-aged police officers. 2.It was moderate in the retirement preparation of the middle-aged police officers. 3.It was not high willingness of the middle-aged police officers to participate in the "learning or training courses". 4.The retirement age for the middle-aged police officers was closer, the degree of retirement preparation was higher. 5.The educational level of the middle-aged police officers were higher, the proactive coping ability and the retirement preparation were better. 6.The proactive coping ability of single middle-aged police officers were higher. 7.The proactive coping ability and the retirement preparation of middle-aged police officers in good health were higher. 8.The economic situation of the middle-aged police officers was the better, the retirement preparation of the middle-aged police officers was higher. 9.The proactive coping ability of middle-aged police officers was higher, the retirement preparation of the middle-aged police officers was higher. Based on the findings, the suggestions for the middle-aged police officers, government, and further researchers as follows: 1.Suggestions to police officers (1) Should cultivate the proactive coping ability as soon as possible. (2) Should do more for the retirement preparation. (3) Should contact with more people and things in different areas, and develop a second skill to enrich retirement. (4) Should participate in multiple learning activities or retraining courses, maintain the attitude of learning and the innovative spirit. 2.Suggestions to government (1) Should provide enough members of police officers in order to balance the heavy duty. (2) Should provide multifaceted educational seminars and diversified learning pathways for retirement preparation. 3.Suggestions to further researchers (1) The subjects for research may expand to get the information of the proactive coping ability and the retirement preparation of middle-aged police officers in the other areas. (2) The tool for research may care the wording in the questionnaire to avoid the bias of interpretation or interpretation. (3) The method for research may add depth interviews to understand the impact of the proactive coping ability and the retirement preparation.


李宗派(2007)。老化概念(I)(II): 生物科學之老化理論。台灣老人保健學刊,3(2), 1-61。
