  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳文吟


鑑於近幾年來層出不窮之食品安全問題,使得民眾對於食的安全缺乏信心,各國對於此皆推行食品安全的證明標章,欲使消費者得以辨別食品之安全而選購之。而證明標章除了強化消費者對於其所選購之產品的信任外,它也提供被證明之產品或服務一種強而有力的廣告促銷和品質保證的效果。 然而近來發生之食品安全問題,竟與消費者信賴之食品安全證明標章相關聯,使得民眾對於證明標章之證明力即產生了疑義。我國為解決此一問題,並與國際接軌,參考國際相關食品法規及品保驗證制度,將HACCP、ISO22000等精神納入食品GMP認證規定,讓驗證制度更為精進與完整。 本文以為,對於食品安全,商標法中之證明標章的制度與食品安全衛生管理法,兩者應相輔相成,以達成保護國人食的安全之目標。且為能有效杜絕不良食品再次流入市面,除應加重處罰外,未來更應借鏡國外食品安全法的實踐經驗,強化本國的食品安全法之體系。如歐盟與美國對於食品安全之管理,相當重視由「農田至餐桌」的食品流向追蹤管理,對於食品危害事件的緊急應變制度也相當健全,並非常重視與民眾之間就問題食品做風險溝通。此外,歐盟與美國也相當重視新型的食品的風險管理,對之採取高密度管制。我國得參酌上述國外食品安全管理法制之優點以作為未來修法與執法之參考。


Owing to the emerging food safety issues in recent years, the public lost confidence in the safety of food. In order to solve food safety problem, some countries implement the food safety certification mark so that consumers may identify and purchase the safe foods. In addition, the certification mark could strengthening consumer trust in the products they buy, and it also has a powerful advertising promotion and quality assurance effects. However, recent incidents of food safety issues in our nation are related to the food safety certification mark, people begin to question the effect of certification mark. To solve the problem, and to comply with international standards, we confer international regulations and quality assurance relating to food verification system, putting HACCP & ISO22000 spiritual into food GMP certification requirements, so as to make certification system more sophisticated and comprehensive. This thesis suggests that Trademark Law and Food Safety and Sanitation Law should complement each other in order to achieve the goal of protecting food safety, and also to effectively eliminate bad food from entering the market again. Except to be aggravating, we should learn from foreign experience in food safety law, to strengthen the system of national food safety law. Such as the EU and the United States for the management of food safety, considerable attention tracing system about “from farm to dining table”, food hazards events for emergency system is quite complete, and pay attention on the communication between government and people about the risk of the food which have problem. In addition, the EU and the United States also attaches considerable importance of new risk management of food, and take high-density control. Advantages of the above foreign food safety management was deliberate for our nation as a future reference of amending the law and law enforcement. Keywords: certification mark, food safety, food hygiene management, food safety certification mark, GMP, GHP, HACCP, ISO 22000.


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