  • 學位論文


A research on Integration ERP and bonding system after company merger and acquisition

指導教授 : 黃劭彥


購併是商場上重要交易活動,隨著科技業的轉型,購併活動亦隨之熱絡。然而購併後的企業組織文化與資訊系統整合,是攸關購併企業能否在此過程中順利過關的重要關鍵。 本研究個案C公司購併前後將鼎新系統轉換成SAP企業資源規劃系統,但SAP系統並無保稅系統電子化流程系統,需以客製化來管控作業,借由SAP ERP搭配保稅系統電子化流程,進行申請、審核、卡控等作業,以強化保稅系統電子化不足之處。而企業資源規劃系統也可以讓保稅系統電子化的效用發揮到極致。


保稅系統電子化 ERP 購併


Merger and acquisitions (M&A) is one of the most important business activities, and become even popular in these days. The culture difference and IT integration between companies are the major issues that determine whether the merger can be successful or not. This study is focus on C company merged by other company and has to change its ERP system. However, the new ERP system does not have bonding system. C company has to have tailor-made ERP system based on their new demand. The new ERP bonding system can be further strengthened with combined the electronic processes of applying, checking and controlling. The enterprise resources planning system can also enhance the effects of the ERP bonding system.


e-bonded system ERP acquisition


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