  • 學位論文

家長教育選擇權與家長參與之研究 ─以南部一所華德福小學為例

A Case Study on Educational Choice of Parents and Parent Involvement at a Waldorf Elementary School in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭勝耀


本研究旨在探討南部一所公辦公營華德福小學之家長教育選擇權與家長參與的情況,並延伸分析家長與學校的互動歷程,最後提出建議。研究採質性取向的個案研究,透過訪談,輔以文件分析與觀察法蒐集相關資訊,達成研究目的。 本研究的結論如下: 一、公辦公營華德福小學家長教育選擇權之考量因素分為兩層面: (一)在地家長:以「對學校有深厚情感」與「交通接送方便」為主要考量因素。 (二)外來家長:以「孩子個別需求」、「不滿體制內教育模式」、「認同華德福教育理念」、「受到華德福師資吸引」、「公立收費」及「十二年一貫教育系統」為考量因素。 二、公辦公營華德福小學家長參與形式可分成「家庭層面」、「學校層面」與「社區層面」三種類型。外來家長在三種類型的參與程度都較在地家長來得高;對選擇權較有意識的家長,在家長參與方面會較投入,而參與度高的家長,普遍對學校的認同度較高。 三、研究場域轉型為華德福小學已滿三年,這三年來家長和學校的互動歷程可分為三階段,第一階段為摸索期;第二階段為磨合期;第三階段為整合期。 四、學校未來經營的方向有三點:師資健全的重要性、在地經營的必要性、多元對話的發展性。


This study aims to explore the case of parents’ educational choice and parent involvement , as well as the status of school-parental relationship at a public Waldorf Elementary School in southern Taiwan, concluding with recommendations. Case study as a qualitative research method is applied in this study, and data is collected by interview, document review and observation. The following is a summary of conclusions derived from this research: 1. Educational choices of parents at a public Waldorf Elementary School are divided into two levels: (a) Local parents: "to have a great affection for the school " and "convenient shuttle transportation" as considerations. (b) Foreign parents: " children’s individual needs ", "dissatisfied with the general school system "," identity with Waldorf Education philosophy", "attracted by the Waldorf teachers", "public charges" and "Twelve-Year Public Education Program " as considerations. 2. There are three types of parent involvements at a public Waldorf Elementary School , including "family level", "school level" and "community level". Foreign parents are more involved in parents’ participation than local parents. Parents of higher awareness pay more attention to parent involvement issues and have higher degree of recognition to the school. 3.During the three years, school-parental relationship can be divided into three phases, the first phase is “exploration period ”; the second phase is ”running period”; the third phase is “integration period”. 4. There are three key points to improve school management, which are” teachers’ training”,” community management” and “pluralistic dialogue”.


吳璧如(2001)。家長參與學校教育:實務工作者與學者看法之分析。 教育研究集刊,47,頁185-214。


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