  • 學位論文


A Research On the Internet Works of Doctor-Writer

指導教授 : 何信翰 吳亦昕


本論文欲探究醫師作家劉育志近年來何以人氣快速竄升,將以文本分析法研究劉育志散文,用觀察研究法探究近代網路文學發展狀況,將觀察網路文學所得用來檢視劉育志經營網路社群的策略。臺灣網路文學發展近年受到智慧型手機螢幕介面以及社群網路限制而產生質的改變,從〈博客來暢銷排行榜中的網路作品名單〉中觀察發現電子移動裝置已讓網友從原本閱讀文字漸漸轉向瀏覽圖像為主的吸收資訊方式,且暢銷網路作家共有的特徵是—經營粉絲專頁,運用臉書集聚讀者。本論文探究在上述的網路文學背景下,劉育志如何經營網路社群平台。 經研究後發現,劉育志習慣在部落格及專欄上發表文章,且不同於傳統紙本書籍版面編排方式,他會因應網路媒介的特性使用聳動的標題及精美的圖片吸引網路讀者點閱文章,在粉絲專頁的經營上,以簽名書籤及科普明信片做為增強物,鼓勵粉絲轉載文章,並利用粉絲專頁廣大的集客效應轉引部落格散文。 另一方面,經過本論文以文本分析法分析劉育志的紙本書與社群網路上的散文,發現他的作品題材以科普作品和描繪人性的病房見聞為大宗,風格詼諧蘊藉,敘事手法上善用倒敘架構與小說化筆觸描繪人間百態,這些都是劉育志的散文特色。


The purpose of this study is to explore the rise in popularity of doctor-writer LIU YU-ZHI in recent years, using textual analysis to study his poses works and observation survey to study the development of online literature, examining the strategies he used to engage in virtual communities. The development of online literature has been influenced by limits imposed by smart phones’ screen width and virtual communities. From the chart of best-selling books on Books.com.tw, it is observed that mobile devices have transformed the way we access reading materials, the principle way of information acquisition changing from text reading to image browsing. Among popular Internet writers we found one thing in common— managing Facebook Fan Pages, using Facebook to catch attention of more readers. The research shows that LIU YU-ZHI posts his prose works on his blog and columns on a regular basis. In contrast with traditional ways of layout in books, he uses sensational headlines and exquisite pictures to attract Internet readers’ attention. On his management of Facebook Fan Pages, he offers book marks with his autographs and postcards of popular science to encourage fans to repost his messages and prose works on virtual communities. On the other hand, by using textual analysis to analyze Liu’s books and prose works on the virtual community, I found that most of his works and prose works are about popular science and humanity. It is concluded that Liu’s prose writing is characterized by being implicit and humorous and he is good at using flash-back methods and fictionalizing techniques to describe social events.


張淵盛,〈從精神分析觀點解讀侯文詠短篇小說中的類型人物〉,《思與言:人文與社會科學雜誌 》1期 ( 2007.03)。


