  • 學位論文

探討Mobile Police之使用意圖:以感知有用性為中介因素及前因

Exploring Intention to Use Mobile Police: The Mediator of Perceived Usefulness and its Antecedents

指導教授 : 吳英隆


警政署為提升員警執勤效能,自2007年起規劃了「M-Police行動警察建置案」,開發M-Police警用行動裝置,提供多項警政資訊系統線上查詢功能。 近年來,隨著智慧型手機的流行,M-Police的發展也進入了一個新的階段,警政署以智慧型手機取代傳統自行開發的載具,並提供更多元的勤務軟體來輔助各項勤務執行,然而新資訊科技的變革,使用者使用意圖是值得探討的議題。 本研究目的係為探討影響員警使用M-Police之因素,提供警察機關做為未來發展M-Police方向之參考,本研究以感知有用性作為探討使用意圖之前因及中介變數,並加入組織面、個人面及科技面觀點的變數來探討對使用意圖的影響。 本研究透過問卷調查法來收集樣本資料,共計蒐集769份有效問卷,並以部分最小平方法建構結構方程模式,驗證研究相關假說,研究結果顯示:(1)感知有用性對M-Police使用意圖有有顯著影響(2)組織面、個人面及系統面之變數對感知有用性有顯著影響,並間接影響對M-Police之使用意圖。


In order to promote the effectiveness of police officers on duty,the National Police Agency(NPA) had planned “Mobile Police Construction Project” since 2007,this had developed a mobile device,called “M-Police”,provide multifunction online queries on police information system。 In recent years,with the popularity of smart phones,the development of M-Police also entered a new stage,NPA use smart phones to replace traditional self-developed mobile device,and providing more diverse work Apps to police officer,however, while new information technology revolution, the user intention to use is worth exploring topics The purpose of this research is exploring the impact factor of police officers using M-Police, this can be provided as the direction of future development of M-Police,this research use perceived useful to be the antecedents and mediator of use intention,and to join the organizational perspective,individuals perspective and technology perspective of variables to investigate the effect of the use of intentions. This research through the questionnaire survey procedure,total of 769 valid questionnaires were collected,the data was analyzed by Partial Least Squares to validate the hypotheses. Statistics analysis result showed that:(1)Perceived usefulness have significant effect on use intention(2) The organizational perspective,individuals perspective and technology perspective of variables have significant effect on perceived usefulness,and indirectly effect on their use intention。


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