  • 期刊

The Effects of Information Systems Quality on Nurses' Acceptance of the Electronic Learning System



背景 為確保健康照護供應的品質,護理人員必須透過繼續教育以不斷地提昇自身之專業知能。與傳統學習比較起來,數位學習能更具彈性地提供護理人員在職學習。因此,數位學習將在提供護理人員繼續教育方面扮演一個關鍵性的角色。目的 本研究主要目的乃是檢驗系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質與使用者介面設計品質等前因,是否會透過護理人員的信念,進而影響其使用數位學習系統之意願。方法 本研究採橫斷面設計以調查資訊系統品質對護理人員接受數位學習系統之影響。樣本乃收集自台灣三所醫院之護理人員。共發放450份問卷,得有效回卷320份,有效回卷率為71.1%。所收集資料以結構方程式模型進行分析。結果 系統品質、資訊品質、與使用者介面設計品質對知覺有用、知覺易用與知覺有趣造成顯著影響,且服務品質對知覺有用與知覺易用造成顯著影響。此外,知覺易用對知覺有用與知覺有趣造成顯著影響,且知覺有用、知覺易用與知覺有趣對使用意願造成顯著影響。結論/實務應用 使用者介面設計品質,為對護理人員的知覺有用與知覺有趣造成顯著影響之最關鍵前項,醫療機構應更致力於透過設計有用與有趣的介面特性,來發展更友善的使用者介面,以吸引護理人員使用數位學習系統。此外,系統品質為對護理人員知覺易用造成最大影響的前項,故醫療機構應有效提昇系統品質,透過降低系統複雜性,從而傳遞利益與趣味以促進護理人員使用數位學習系統的意願。


Background: To ensure the quality of healthcare provision, nurses must continuously enhance their professional knowledge and competencies via continuing education. As compared with traditional learning, electronic learning (e-learning) is a more flexible method for nurses' in-service learning. Hence, e-learning is expected to play a key role in providing continuing education for nurses.Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to examine whether system quality, information quality, service quality, and user-interface design quality as the antecedents to nurse beliefs can affect nurses' intention to use the e-learning system.Methods: A cross-sectional design was used to investigate the effects of information systems quality on nurses' acceptance of the e-learning system. This study gathered sample data from nurses at 3 hospitals in Taiwan. A total of 450 questionnaires were distributed, and 320 effective questionnaires were analyzed in this study, indicating an effective response rate of 71.1%. Collected data were analyzed using structural equation modeling.Results: System quality, information quality, and user-interface design quality had significant effects on perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), and perceived enjoyment (PE), and service quality had significant effects on PU and PEOU. Moreover, PEOU had significant effects on PU and PE, and the effects of PU, PEOU, and PE on intention to use were significant. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: User-interface design quality is the most key antecedent that can make significant impacts on nurses' PU and PE, and more efforts should be made to develop a friendlier user interface via designing useful and enjoyable features to induce nurses to use the e-learning system. Moreover, system quality can make the greatest impact on nurses' PEOU; thus, medical institutions should effectively enhance system quality to deliver benefits and pleasure to boost nurses' usage intention of the e-learning system via reducing the complexity.


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