  • 學位論文

老人交通安全路老師培訓成效之研究: Kirkpatrick 評估模式的應用

The Effectiveness of Training Program for Traffic Safety Education of Elder Volunteers

指導教授 : 李雅慧博士


本研究旨在探討老人交通安全教育:路老師培訓(training program for traffic safety education of elder volunteers)實施後的培訓成效為何,以 Kirkpatrick 四層次評估模式(Kirkpatrick four-level evaluation)作為應用,探討參與培訓者的反應、學習、行為、以及成果層次的培訓成效。本研究採用質性研究法,使用半結構式訪談,以參與老人交通安全教育培訓成績優秀之路老師十名為訪談對象獲取研究資料。根據本研究發現,獲致以下結論: 一、路老師對於培訓反應良好,喜歡風趣、專業及教學技巧多元的教師;培訓氣氛佳;培訓內容適中且實用且合適應用到工作上;但在培訓任務的說明上需要有更明確指引。 二、路老師對於培訓之學習為:交通安全知識提升;個人社會交通安全責任與交通安全意識提升;學習到多元化的老人交通安全宣講方式。 三、行為層次評估結果為:宣講時能將所學實際應用;在平時生活對交通安全警覺性提高、主動將交通安全宣講融入其他高齡課程、並增進與高齡者的關係;亦能擴大在培訓中的所學,自行發展宣講技巧。 四、成果層次評估結果為:參與培訓者在各地社區進行老人交通安全宣講後,對鄰里內高齡者的交通安全有感,找出社區內的危險地段並加以提醒安全;及有部份參與培訓者在培訓後選擇繼續進修。 五、老人交通安全路老師培訓之四個層次間的關係環環相扣,前一層次的情況會影響下一次層的情況,亦即參與培訓者在前一層次的反應愈良好,在下一次層的培訓成效也愈良好。 本研究的建議分為對相關培訓辦理單位、培訓課程規劃人員、以及後續相關研究者: 對辦理老人交通安全路老師培訓的相關單位之建議 一、持續系統化辦理老人交通安全路老師培訓,擴大老人交通安全宣講員人數,增加接受專業培訓課程的人數。 二、鼓勵各地方與路老師合作,進入社區內進行老人交通安全宣講,使交通安全宣講變得更普及,帶動社區內的交通安全風氣。 三、鼓勵老人交通安全宣講員與社區內部經營團隊合作,聯合社區居民在社區內對於交通安全有具體產出。 四、建立各地區與老人交通安全宣講員的聯絡管道,以便落實路老師宣講的在地化、增加宣講的場次及接受宣講的人數。 對參與培訓的課程規劃人員之建議 一、以分次分階段性的培訓課程設計取代單次性的培訓課程,系統化循序漸進式的內容呈現,有作業等事項需要完成需力求清楚詳盡的說明。 二、設計培訓課程時宜安排親和力強的教師,以高互動性的教學方法呈現培訓內容,提升參與培訓者的興趣及學習速度。 三、老人交通安全培訓可依程度不同分級授課內容,強化交通安全知識的專業及宣講技術,增加與實作宣講的連結。 四、培訓課程之設計建議增加多元的教學方式,不但使課程活潑有趣,亦提供參與培訓者各種不同的教學靈感。 對後續研究之建議 一、擴大研究對象,盡量蒐集該培訓方案中更多參與培訓者的資料與經驗。 二、研究方法,可視研究的可行性,進行量化與質性併行的研究,以深入了解老人交通安全培訓的成效。 三、未來研究,可以增加高齡者交通意外事故率與培訓成效間關係之觀察,得知路老師在社區間所進行的老人交通安全宣講對社會安全的助益為何。


This study aims at exploring the results from the implementation of traffic safety education for elders: road teachers training (the training program for traffic safety education of elder volunteers). Kirkpatrick four-level evaluation is used in this paper to discuss the levels of response, learning, behavior and performance of the training participants. This is qualitative research which applies semi-structured interviews. Ten road teachers with excellent performance after receiving the training program for traffic safety education of elder volunteers were invited as the subjects for this study so as to gather related information. Based on the findings of the study, the conclusions are made as follows: 1. Road teachers had good responses to the training program. They liked humorous, professional instructors with diverse teaching skills. The atmosphere of the training was good. The materials of the training program were appropriate and practical and it was suitable to be applied to their presenting work. 2. For those road teachers, the training contributed to: enhancing traffic safety knowledge; increasing personal social responsibility for traffic safety and awareness; and learning diverse ways of presenting traffic safety knowledge for the elders. 3. The behavior evaluation showed that: the program participants could apply what they learned from traffic safety training program to reality; they became more alert to traffic safety in their daily lives; they positively introduce traffic safety education into other programs for the elders and improve their relationships with the elders as well; and finally they could further extend what they learned from the training to develop their own presenting skills. 4. The performance showed that: the program participants became more conscious of traffic safety of the elders in their neighborhood after receiving the training program. They would find out the dangerous locations in their communities and reminded people to pay more attention to traffic safety. Some of the program participants chose to study further after receiving this training program. 5. The four levels demonstrating the road teachers’ training program for traffic safety education of elder volunteers were closely related. One level would affect the following one. In other words, if the program participants had better responses (which is a level comes first), then the training performance (the following level) would be better. In this study, the suggestions are made separately on training organizers, training program planners and follow-up researchers: The suggestions for the organizers in charge of the road teachers’ training program for traffic safety education of elder volunteers are as follows: 1. Continue systematically organizing road teachers’ training program for traffic safety education of elder volunteers, increase the number of instructors for presenting this type of training program, and increase the number of people to participate the professional training program. 2. Encourage communities to cooperate with road teachers so that they can visit the communities to present the training program of traffic safety to the elder volunteers. By doing so, such traffic safety training program can grow prevalent in order to enhance the awareness of traffic safety in the communities. 3. Encourage instructors of the training program for traffic safety of elder volunteers to work with the internal administration teams in communities and invite local residents to make substantial contributions to traffic safety in their own communities. 4. Establish contact channels between the communities and instructors of the training program for traffic safety education of elder volunteers so as to localize the road teacher training program, and increase the times of presenting the program and the number of people receiving the program. The suggestions on training program planners are as follows: 1. The design of the training program can be separated into several stages instead of providing an all-in-one presentation. The training program can be presented systematically and delivered progressively. Detailed and clear descriptions should be made when there are assignments or other tasks to be completed. 2. Instructors who are easily accepted by program participants should be arranged. Highly interactive teaching methods are suggested to present the training so as to stimulate participants’ interests and speed up learning. 3. The teaching materials given in the training program for traffic safety education of elder volunteers can be classified into different levels so as to strengthen professional traffic safety knowledge and presenting skills and to increase the opportunities to put the materials into practice. 4. The training program can be designed with diverse teaching methods so as to make the program more interesting and active, and in the meantime to inspire the program participants for developing different ways of teaching. The suggestions on follow-up researchers are as follows: 1. Increase the number of subjects for the study. Collect the information and experience as much as possible from more participants in the training program. 2. The research method can be both quantitative and qualitative based on feasibility in order to further explore the effects of the training program for traffic safety education of elder volunteers. 3. Future studies can include the observations on the correlations between the traffic accident rate of the elders and training performance so as to find out how social security can be affected by the benefits of the training program for traffic safety education of elder volunteers provided by road teachers to the communities.


李隆盛(2008)。向企業學習: 克伯屈的四層次評鑑。評鑑雙月刊,(13),45-48.
