  • 學位論文


Diaoyutai Islands Dispute And Taiwan's In Response To the Method

指導教授 : 林泰和


釣魚臺問題開始受到全球矚目起始於1970年代,因1969年「聯合國亞洲遠東經濟委員會」(UN Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, ECAFE)所發表「艾默利報告」(Emery Report),報告中指出東海蘊藏大量石油,釣魚臺列嶼因而引起臺灣、中共與日本等三方的重視。 另因在1951年的「舊金山和約」中,日本同意美國取得琉球之行政權、立法權、司法權等,其中也包括了釣魚臺列嶼,但美國與日本於1971年6月17日簽署「美日沖繩歸還協定」中,美國將琉球群島的行政權歸還日本,而日本認為美國對琉球的行政權範圍既然包括釣魚島列嶼在內,當美國將行政權歸還日本時,日本也就恢復其對釣魚臺列嶼的主權。針對日本此認知,在1971年1月30日,留美學生和海外華僑在紐約舉行保釣遊行,企圖喚起兩岸對日本圈佔釣魚臺問題的關注,自此,臺灣、日本及中國之間,圍繞在釣魚臺的領土主權歸屬爭議始終沒有沒有停止。 釣魚臺雖為彈丸之地,釣魚臺爭議不僅涉及主權歸屬問題,同時又攸關東海資源開採問題。而臺灣、中共與日本各有其國際法上的主張依據,短期內三方並無解決之道,又因美國「重返亞洲」政策,及近年因釣魚臺爭議所引發的東亞區域問題,顯見釣魚臺爭議又再度成為東亞的焦點議題。


Issue for Diaoyutai Islands started to be paid attention by the world since 1970.In“Emery Report” issued by “UN Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East,ECAFE”,it indicates that there is a lot of oil in“ East China Sea”. Therefore, Taiwan, China and Japan start to take it seriously. In “Treaty of Peace with Japan” in 1951, Japan agreed the following U.S. gained executive, legislative power and jurisdiction in Ryukyu and Diaoyutai Islands. But U.S. would return executive in Ryukyu to Japan according to “Agreement between Japan and the United States of America Concerning the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands” on Jun 17 1971. For Japan, executive in Ryukyu also includes Diaoyutai Islands. When U.S. return executive in Ryukyu back to Japan , Japan recover sovereignity in Diaoyutai Islands.In 1971,taiwanese in U.S.and overseas held parade for issue in Diaoyutai Islands on Jan 30. They attempted to arouse both sides pay attention to it .Since then, it never stops for sovereignity controversy in Diaoyutai Islands amoung Taiwan, Japan and China. Although Diaoyutai Islands is a tiny little place, Diaoyutai Islands Dispute not only involves sovereignity but also relates to East China Sea resources. There is no solution way at present amoung Taiwan, China and Japan because they have their claim in Internation law respectively and “Return to the Asia policy”in U.S., Diaoyutai Islands controversy will be focused by East Asia again.


