  • 學位論文


Key Success Factors of the Applications of Open Data on Manpower Agencies:A Delphi Study

指導教授 : 洪新原


全球化的腳步加速、企業競爭日益激烈,人力仲介如何成功應用政府開放資料以成功經營並創新服務模式已然成為脫穎而出的致勝關鍵。有鑑於近年來政府加強推動開放資料政策,冀望有效帶動政府與產業相互交流、刺激資料應用,然而目前研究缺乏對於人力仲介成功應用開放資料的關鍵因素之全面瞭解。 因此本研究整理了創新科技導入、人力仲介業、開放資料與外籍勞工管理等相關文獻,以科技-組織-環境(TOE)理論為框架建立研究架構,探討人力仲介應用開放資料之關鍵成功因素。本研究採修正式德爾菲法(Modified Delphi Method),遴選國內對熟悉人力仲介相關議題之學者專家、政府組織、產業界及相關領域之專家參與本研究透過兩回合專家問卷篩選出關鍵成功因素。研究結果顯示:(1)科技構面中,「相對利益」、「相容性」、「可觀察性」、「透明性及可複製性」、「可預測性」、「研究人員與資料親密性」及「資料的有效性與可靠性」等7個關鍵因素。(2) 組織構面中,「公司員工教育訓練」、「公司員工具相關議題知識」、「公司員工IT的技術能力」、「組織的適配」、「組織正式化程度」、「組織複雜化程度」及「織變革的管理能力」、「高階主管的支持」「高階主管具備IT的知識」及「高階主管具備分析相關議題知識」等10個關鍵因素。(3) 環境構面中,「政府政策」、「法令規定」、「產業發展政策」、「外勞來源國的不確定性」、「雇主的不確定性」、「國內勞動市場影響」及「外籍勞工之不確定性」、「競爭壓力」「與來源國合作夥伴之信任程度」及「與來源國合作夥伴相依性」等10個關鍵因素。本研究最後並提出學術與實務上之建議,期望促使人力仲介公司能夠成功應用開放資料。


As a result of the increasing globalization of business, companies now face fierce competition that extends beyond their local markets. The development of innovative services through the successful applications of open government data on manpower agencies has become the key to standing out in our global economy. In recent years, the Taiwan government has promoted open data policies with the hope of encouraging interactions between the government and industry, which has resulted in the intensive applications of open data for businesses. However, current research on this topic has not provided a comprehensive study on the key success factors related to the applications of open data on manpower agencies. Therefore, this research compiles the related literature on innovation and technology, manpower agencies, foreign workers management and open data. In addition, this research adopts the technology-organization-environment (TOE) model as the theoretical framework to examine the key success factors in the applications of open data on manpower agencies. This research uses the modified Delphi method which presents a panel of experts having experience with issues related to manpower agencies, government organizations, industry and related fields, with a two-phase questionnaire to solicit key success factors in terms of technological, organizational and environmental aspects. The results of this research indicates: (1) In regard to technological aspect, relative advantage, compatibility, observability, transparency and replicability, predictability, data familiarity and data timeliness and reliability are 7 key successful factors. (2) In regard to organizational aspect, employee training, professional knowledge, “employee’s IT skill”, “organizational fit”, organizational formalization, organizational “the complexity, change management, top management support, top managers' IT knowledge and top manager' analytical knowledge are 10 key successful. (3) In regard to environmental aspect, government policies, legal regulations, industrial development policies, uncertainty from the original country of foreign workers, uncertainty from employers, uncertainty from foreign workers, competitive pressure, trust between partners and mutual dependence on partners are 10 key factors. Finally, academic and practical implications are also provided.


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