  • 學位論文


A Social Enterprise Model Developed by Trade Union: Taking National Trade Union Congress of Singapore as an Example

指導教授 : 劉黃麗娟


本研究旨在透過新加坡全國職工總會發展社會企業的模式,解析工會如何藉由發展社會企業為手段,達致其社會目的。在研究方法上採用個案研究法、深度訪談法與文獻分析法,探討新加坡全國職工總會發展社會企業之目的、方式與其所創造的社會影響。 研究結果發現:在社會目的上,新加坡全國職工總會為使勞工運動發展更長遠,從政治權力的展現深化至社會影響力的實踐,以發展合作社拓展其照顧勞工的觸角。在發展方法上,其在政府完善的合作經濟體制與和工會分治的制度中,以完全投入自由市場競爭的方式營運。在社會影響上,其社會企業能在兼顧經濟與環境永續的同時達到調節民生物價,提升勞工生活的社會目的。 本研究建議我國政府應重新檢視我國有關第三部門的發展歷程,找出符合我國文化底蘊與發展經驗的社會企業施政方向;另建議我國工會應在社會公益與分配正義的貢獻上展現其社會性,以社會經濟事業為手段強化我國工會運動。


This study aims to analyse a social enterprise model developed by the National Trade Union Congress of Singapore (NTUC) and to find out how trade unions achieve their social goals by the use of social goods created by social enterprises. The findings in this research show that NTUC commits to promote the labour movement in Singapore by creating cooperatives to provide better services for the workers. The other part of findings demonstrates that Singapore equipped with a well designed legal system, necessary education and culture for the fostering of social and solidarity economy. In addition, NTUC SEs are not operated and managed by the union leaders themselves but professional managers. All these have made NTUC SEs strong enough to compete in a free market, and enable them to moderate the costs of essential goods in Singapore, which upgrade the quality of workers’ life. In comparing with the social enterprise development in Taiwan, the study suggests that the government would need to clarify the development model of social enterprises and to review the historical and cultural context of non-profit sector and local practices before making any policy to promote social enterprises. Not least to mention would be to provide suggestions for our trade unions. The development model of NTUC by creating social economy based enterprises would be a good way to strengthen the capacity of trade unions and to promote labour movement. Trade unions should express their social commitments by making contributions in workers’ welfare and by realizing a world of work with distributive justice.


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