  • 學位論文


A Study Of The Relationship Between Self-Directed Learning Readiness And Teacher Enthusiasm For Elementary School Teachers In Nantou County

指導教授 : 胡夢鯨


本研究旨在探討國小教師自我導向學習傾向與教學熱忱之關係。研究目的瞭解國小教師自我導向學習傾向與教學熱忱表現之現況;探討不同背景變項的國小教師自我導向學習傾向與教學熱忱表現的差異情形;探討國小教師自我導向學習傾向與教學熱忱表現的關係;分析國小教師自我導向學習傾向對教學熱忱表現的預測情;歸納研究發現,提出結論與建議,供教育行政機關、國民小學教師及未來研究者來參考。 為達成上述目的,本研究採問卷調查法,以文獻理論為基礎,編製「南投縣國民小學教師自我導向學習傾向與教學熱忱調查問卷」,以分層叢集取樣抽取南投縣公立國小教師,共發出503份調查問卷,回收449 份,有效問卷為438份,有效問卷回收率為 87.0%,資料經描述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與迴歸進行統計分析後,得到下列六項結論: 一、 南投縣國民小學教師自我導向學習傾向的現況屬於高程度,以「喜愛學習」層面的得分最高,而以「效率學習」層面的得分最低。 二、 南投縣國民小學教師教學熱忱屬於高程度,以「身心狀態」層面的得分最高,而以「工作成就感」層面的得分最低。 三、 教育程度愈高之南投縣國民小學教師,其自我導向學習傾向較高。 四、 51 歲以上之南投縣國民小學教師,其教學熱忱較高。 五、 南投縣國民小學教師自我導向學習傾向與教學熱忱有顯著關係。 六、 南投縣國民小學教師自我導向學習傾向能預測教學熱忱,其中以「持續學習」對專業成長最有影響力。 根據以上結論,本研究提出以下建議: 一、 對教育行政機關之建議 (一) 鼓勵教師施展「喜愛學習」特質,成立網路學習社群分享。 (二) 聘請學歷研究所以上教師擔任各領域輔導團員或研習講師。 二、 對學校單位之建議 (一) 學校應該多舉辦相關研習活動,以提升教師「效率學習」能力 (二) 敦聘各校主任擔任親師溝通的主持人 三、對國小教師之建議 (一) 發揮教師身心狀態特質,進行教師專業交流,提升工作成就感。 (二) 邀請資深教師在校內進行教學經驗分享。 四、對未來研究之建議 分別針對研究對象、研究方法及研究變項提出建議,供未來研究者參考。


The purpose of the study is to discuss the relationship between the self-directed learning readiness and teacher enthusiasm of elementary school teachers in Nantou County. The study aims to include understanding the present state in the self-directed learning readiness and teacher enthusiasm situation of elementary school teachers, exploring the differences in the self-directed learning readiness and teacher enthusiasm of elementary school teachers from different backgrounds, discussing the relationship between the self-directed learning readiness and teacher enthusiasm of elementary school teachers, and analyzing if the self-directed learning readiness of elementary school teachers could predict teacher enthusiasm. To achieve the objectives mentioned above, questionnaire survey method was adopted, we analyze relevant literature as the basis of the compilation questionnaire between the the self-directed learning readiness and teacher enthusiasm of elementary school teachers in Nantou County. We sample elementary school teachers in Nantou County by stratified sampling. Each of the 438 subjects was data was analyzed by the statistic methods of descriptive statistic, t-test, One-way Anova, Person’s product-moment correlation and regression analysis. There come out the following six conclusions: 1. Elementary school teachers’ self-directed learning readiness is ranked over average, especially in “preference in learning.” Comparison with this, “effectiveness in learning” is not very good. 2. Elementary school teachers’ teacher enthusiasm is ranked over average, especially in “Physical and mental state.” Comparison with this,“Job satisfaction” is not very good. 3. Elementary school teachers with higher educational background , have higher self-directed learning readiness. 4. Elementary school teachers who are older than the age of 51, have higher teacher enthusiasm. 5. Elementary school teachers’ self-directed learning readiness was correlated with their teacher enthusiasm. 6. Elementary school teachers’ self-directed learning readiness has a good prediction in their teacher enthusiasm. Especially for the “continuance in learning” has the best effect in the teacher enthusiasm. Finally, according to the conclusions of this study, some practical suggestions were also proposed not only to the elementary school teachers in Nantou County but also to the administration authority, and researchers in the future.


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