  • 學位論文


Research on the Development of Energy Cooperation Progress in The Shanghai Cooperation Organization:Analysis by Perspectives on Power and Identity

指導教授 : 趙文志


上海合作組織自2001年成立迄今,隨著成員國經濟的快速成長,各國對於油氣資源的供應與需求亦日趨增長;此外,由於成員國間突出的能源結構供需互補性,亦促使保障國家能源安全所進行的合作逐步開展,而於2006年由俄羅斯率先提出之「能源俱樂部」多邊能源安全機制倡議,則屬上合組織內部多邊經貿合作框架下的重點項目。 然而,歷經多年,此「能源俱樂部」概念猶尚未具體落實與制度化。因此,藉由回顧過去15年上合組織主要成員國─俄羅斯、中國與哈薩克之間的能源合作可發現,權力競合的因素,使得雙邊能源合作之進程並非一路順遂,更遑論多邊能源機制能如期開展;再者,隨著雙邊能源合作進程之深化,若「能源俱樂部」猶呈現滯後之態勢時,探討上合組織成員國間的地區認同則成為探究此一問題的核心因素。 因而,本論文試圖先藉由地緣政治中權力之視角來剖析成員國間的能源戰略,找出影響雙邊能源合作進程的制約性與推動性因素;進而,透過社會建構主義中認同之視角,力圖解釋地區認同對於上合組織區域整合,以及多邊合作發展進程與戰略走向具有更深層、更關鍵的影響作用。最終,以釐清「能源俱樂部」倡議進程遲緩與深化之現象。


Since the foundation of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization in 2001, the demand for oil and natural gas from each member country has soared, along with the rapid economic development. In addition, by virtue of the huge complementarity of energy structure among member states, cooperative programs to protect each member's energy security has gradually developed.“Energy Club,” a multilateral energy security mechanism first proposed by Russia in 2006, is a key program under the framework of SCO multilateral trade and economic cooperation. However, after many years, the concept of “Energy Club” is yet to be concretely implemented and institutionalized. Therefore, by reviewing the energy cooperation among major member states of SCO ——Russia, China and Kazakhstan——we could find that the factor of coopetition from power has led to difficult progress of bilateral energy cooperation for the past 15 years, to say nothing of carrying out multilateral energy mechanisms on schedule. Furthermore, with the deepening progress of bilateral energy cooperation, regional identity of SCO member states becomes an important consideration when in search of a solution, given that the progression of “Energy Club” is still hysteretic. Hence, the given thesis attempts to analyze the energy strategies of the major member states by applying perspective on power from geopolitics, and further figure out the restrictive and propellent factors which influence the progress of bilateral energy cooperation. Moreover, by means of perspective on identity from social constructivism, the thesis also strives to demonstrate that regional identity for regional integration of the SCO, progress of multilateral energy cooperation and strategic trend of major members plays dominant roles. Lastly, the author will come to the conclusion in order to clarify why the progress of “Energy Club” initiative has shown its hysteresis and intensification.


