  • 學位論文


A Study on the Process of Adults’ Cooperative Learning:An Example of Elementary School Teachers

指導教授 : 李雅慧


本研究根據成人合作學習歷程之經驗為基礎,研究對象為臺南市實施教學卓越計畫之某國小,探究教師們進行成人間的合作學習模式。本研究主要有四個研究目的。 一、瞭解國小教師參與合作學習的動機。’ 二、瞭解國小教師間合作過程中所採用的學習策略。 三、瞭解國小教師進行合作過程中所遭遇到學習困境及其因應策略。 四、瞭解國小教師參與合作學習後的學習成長。 本研究訪談一所參與成人合作學習歷程之國小教師,共有六人接受訪談,採用半結構式訪談大綱,透過本研究獲得結論如下。 一、國小教師參與成人合作學習的動機為主動積極參與,並選擇和自己興趣與教學領域相投之夥伴。 二、國小教師參與成人合作學習過程遭遇的困難是無共同時間的配合。進行合作學習的主要策略,自由溝通表達意見,夥伴間相互傾聽,接受夥伴教師意見。 三、國小教師參與成人合作學習能促進專業能力成長,建立溝通互動關係與分工合作關係,在意見交流,教學能力的提升,教師人際關係產生對教師正向影響。 四、教師參與成人合作學習的收穫有經驗交流分享,教學技巧提升,人際關係增加,學生學習意願增加。


Based on the experience of adults’ cooperative learning process, the study explored adults’ cooperative learning modes among teachers in an elementary school for the implementation of teaching excellence projects in Tainan City. The study mainly consisted of four objectives. 1. To explore the motivation of elementary school teachers’ involvement in cooperative learning. 2. To explore the learning strategies adopted by the elementary school teachers during the cooperation. 3. To explore the difficulties and corresponding solutions for the elementary school teachers during the cooperation. 4. To explore the growth of the elementary school teachers after taking part in the cooperative learning. The study interviewed the total of six teachers in an elementary school involved in adults’ cooperative learning process. Under semi-structured interview outline, the study made the following conclusions. 1. The motivation of elementary school teachers to join in adults’ cooperative learning was to take initiative to take part in the learning actively and choose partners of common interest and teaching fields. 2. The difficulty for elementary school teachers to join in adults’ cooperative learning was the lack of common spare time for cooperation. The main strategies of cooperative learning include freely communicating with others and expressing opinions; listening to the partners reciprocally, and accepting partners’ opinions. 3. Joining in adults’ cooperative learning, elementary school teachers can enhance the growth of their expertise, establish interactive communication relation and cooperative relation, and had positive influence on opinion interchange, boosting of teaching competency, and interpersonal relationship. 4. Joining in adults’ cooperative learning, the teachers were able to share experience with others, enhanced their teaching skills, increased interpersonal relationship, and improved students’ learning intention.




潘慧玲、陳文彥(2010) 。教師專業發展評鑑促進組織學習之個案研究。教育研究集刊。第五十六輯第三期。2010年9月。頁29-65。
