  • 學位論文


Study on the Cultural Connotation of Supernatural Tales from the Mysterious Stories of the Six Dynasties

指導教授 : 謝明勳


本文選取亡魂「死後現形」作為主題,對文本進行閱讀與爬梳,著重於探討志怪小說中「死後現形」故事之所以出現其背後的發展緣由,從亡魂現形的故事中探究亡魂的行徑、旁人之反應及行為表現,透過分析其現形之方式、目的,了解此類故事在志怪小說中所發揮的功能,明白其所欲表訴之生命渴求,進而探索故事的核心理念,觀其所呈現的文化義涵與對於後世之影響。 六朝當時除傳統儒家天命觀之維繫,佛教思維日漸發展,儒、道、佛三教在互相衝突的過程中逐漸走向成熟、走向興盛、走向融通,促使六朝的宗教呈現一個多元並存之樣貌,這些因素加上當時鬼神信仰對時人潛移默化之作用,成就六朝志怪小說中「死後現形」故事的發展。 在「死後現形」故事中,亡者透過不同的現形方式展現其對前世的不捨與依戀、表達所需所求、勸人為善、復仇申冤及報恩等五種目的,敘事者亦透過死後現形故事建構出六朝時人心中理想的生命藍圖,表達時人身處亂世中對理想社會生活的追尋與渴求。


This paper selects the souls in ‘After-Death Apparitions’ as the theme and through reading and tidying up of the text, focused emphasis on ‘After-Death Apparitions’ in the Mysterious Stories of the Six Dynasties, the reason behind the cause of the development of the story. From the souls in ‘After-Death Apparitions’, to explore their evil doing, the reaction and behavior of others. Through the analysis of the apparitions, the objective of which is to find out the functions played by such type of stories in supernatural novels, understand the desire for life appeal and then explore the core idea of the story and observe the present cultural connotation of the concept and its influence on the later generations. The Six Dynasties, at that time, in addition, to maintain the traditional Confucian concept of destiny also witnessed Buddhism increasing concept of development-thinking. Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism – the three teachings in Chinese Philosophy – were in conflict with each other, the process matured, flourished and accommodated, prompting the Six Dynasties into a religious pluralism of co-existence, in appearance. These factors coupled with the fact that supernatural beliefs had imperceptible influence, brought about the development of ‘After-Death Apparitions’ stories in the Mysterious Stories of the Six Dynasties. In the ‘After-Death Apparitions’ story, the dead through different apparitions, show its dismay of past lives and attachment, expressing what need to be, advising people to do good, revenge, redress and gratitude – five objectives. The narrator, through, the after-death apparitions formulated an ideal blueprint for life, in the minds of the people of the Six Dynasties, expressing the people’s desire and pursuit of the ideal of social life in the period of troubled times.


明‧胡應麟:《少室山房筆叢》,臺北:世界書局,1980 。
