  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蔡榮祥


摘要 自古以來,「民以食為天」便是華人社會牢不可摧的固有信念,許多飲食的發明創造,都密切地與這種觀念聯繫在一起,自西方在全球推行工業化以來,人類的飲食生活發生了根本性的轉變,今天的食品問題以及食品安全觀念正在隨著世界性的社會變遷和文化轉型產生重大的衝擊。 隨著民眾健康意識抬頭及網路媒體傳播效力的快速發展,食品安全議題越來越受到民眾重視;然而,近幾年來重大食品安全事件卻層出不窮,食品添加塑化劑、食用油添加銅葉綠素等事件,不僅傷害國人的身體健康,亦有損國人對政府治理能力的信心、更重創臺灣美食的國際形象與相關產業之收益,暴露出臺灣對於食品安全的相關機制,實有進一步提升之必要;誠然,「徒善不足以為政,徒法不足以自行」,食品安全的落實除了良善的政策目標與立法的工作之外,尚須結合業者、民間團體力量,透過從產地到生產銷售環節的整體把關,才能根本解決食品安全的問題。 政府的危機管理從來都不是一件簡單的任務,組織的混亂(chaos)、媒體的監督、人員的壓力以及不精確的資訊等皆是影響領導者制訂及執行重要決策的關鍵因素;本研究經蒐集與參閱相關文獻後,透過整理和歸納之方式,將食品安全所牽涉到我國目前管理上的相關問題,提出可能採取之具體措施建議,供相關主管機關卓參,並期盼能促使我國食品安全管理之機制更加健全。 食品問題所涉及的管理層面羅列如下: 一、 我國風險評估與資訊揭露機制部分 二、 食品業者自主管理部分 三、 源頭管理與上下游監測部分 四、 食品消費事件消費者權益保護部份 五、 食品安全管理公私協力部分 關鍵字:食品安全、危機管理、廢食用油、銅葉綠素、回收個體戶(小蜜蜂)


Abstract From ancient times to modern times, "Food is the first necessity of the people" is the ingrained belief for the Chinese people, a lot of diet inventions connect with it, since the Western world has promoted industrialization to the worldwide, dietary habits of the human have changed radically, now the foods’ problem and safety issues have great influence because of the social and cultural transformation. With the health awareness rising and the rapid development of internet media, people pay more attention to food safety issues ; however, in recent years, major food safety incidents occur frequently, food add the plasticizers or oils add copper chlorophyll and so on, not only injure people's health, but also affect the people's confidence of the government ability, especially impact on the international image of Taiwan's food and the benefit of food professional , it shows that the government has to improve the mechanisms for food safety ; in addition to the implementation of food security policy and the related legislation, it needs to combine with industries and societial groups to solve the food problem from farm to table . Crisis management of government is never a simple event, the organizational chaos, themedia supervision, the staff’s pressure and the inaccurate information are main factors to implement important decisions for the leader; my study submits some specific suggestion after collection and refer to the relevant literature, and look forward to promoting our food ‘s security management more completely. Food issues involve the management and list as below: 一、 our risk assessment and information mechanism to expose 二、the food industry self-management section 三、the source of the management and monitoring of the upstream and downstream portions 四、the consumer right and protection of food 五、the partnership within public and private of food safety management Keywords: food safety、crisis management、waste cooking oil、copper chlorophyl、 the recycling self-employed (Bee)


