  • 學位論文


Exploring the Factors Influencing Body sculpting App Usage Intention: An Empirical Study

指導教授 : 廖則竣


隨著智慧型手機的快速發展,帶動了行動應用裝置時代,智慧型手機上的行動應用程式也對民眾產生重大影響,不論在任何的地點、時間,均能隨時查詢行動資訊,使民眾更加便利取得資訊,進而改變了以往的行為模式,行動應用程式的廣泛應用,更可讓民眾隨時隨地取得塑身相關資訊。因此,瞭解哪些因素讓民眾使用塑身類型行動應用程式,透過文獻彙整提出研究模式,以探討影響民眾使用塑身類型行動應用程式之因素。 本研究採用網路問卷調查及收集資料樣本,並連結於塑身相關論壇、社群網站、PTT。資料分析方法採結構化方程模式,並以 SmartPLS 2.0 作為主要統計分析工具,驗證研究模式中各變數的因果關係。研究結果顯示,其中健康意識和身體意象不會直接影響使用意圖之外,塑身類型行動應用程式之便利性、行動性、有用性、易用性、自尊皆會影響使用意圖之因素,而使用者朋友、同事等同儕及大眾媒體、報章雜誌、專家意見也會影響使用意圖。因此本研究探討影響使用塑身類型行動應用程式之因素,供政府機關及企業,能設計出更便利民眾就醫的塑身類型行動應用程式,幫助使用者能更積極的關注自我健康狀態,以達健康體位。


The rapid advance of smart phones has launched the era of mobile application development. Smart phone app has a major impact on people’s lives. Within a few clicks of mobile application at any location anytime, the public has access to information more convenient than ever. This results in changes of searching behavior from the past. The wide application of app has provided not only personal body sculpting, but also body sculpting information at anytime, anywhere. This research derived from literature review-based method to explore the influential factors on public intention to use body sculpting app prior to body sculpting. The data collection system of this study was based on online questionnaires, references from body sculpting forums, social networks, and PTT Bulletin Board System. Structural Equation Model was adopted for data analysis, with Smart PLS 2.0 software as the main statistical tool, to account for the causal relationships between variables.The results showed that health awareness and body image did not directly affect the intention to use body sculpting app. Nevertheless, the intention was influenced by the individual inquiry interest, and how convenient, technical adequacy, accountable, and self-respect was designed.The body sculpting app users were also impacted by friends, peer colleagues, mass media, newspapers, magazines and expert opinions. In conclusion, the understanding of influential factors for the intention to use body sculpting app will provide Government agencies and enterprises with ideas to facilitate feasible designs. It will eventually be helpful to improve the process of help users be more active interest in their own health status, to achieve a healthy position.


李碧霞、陳靜敏(民93)。國小高年級學童身體意象、自尊與身體活動之研究。 醫護科技學刊,7 (1),43-55。
