  • 學位論文


The analyze of China's new security strategy expect: the parallel structures strategy affects on Asia Pacific security

指導教授 : 陳亮智


冷戰結束後,中共在國際政治上經歷了「韜光養誨」時期,自1978年改革開放後,便極積投身參與各種國際活動,參與各項國際組織,並加強與世界的連結,逐漸轉換在亞太地區或國際建制中的角色,企圖成為亞太地區的要角,晉升為世界強國之一。然而,隨著「中國的崛起」,相對的也面臨著外界對「中國威脅論」的質疑,中共相繼以和平、安全的角度提出和平發展、新安全觀、和諧世界等論述,欲塑造其崛起對周邊鄰國是友善的、和睦的形象。並提出以和平共處五原則為基礎論點,所擴展而成「互信、互利、平等、協作」為主的國家新安全觀,以消除亞洲各國的對中國的不安全感與隱慮。習近平就任國家主席後,積極參加各種國際組織參與國際事務,近年,更積極的在亞太安全領域、經濟領域上主導建立類似現有國際機制組織的運作,並在上海舉行的亞洲相互協作與信任措施會議第四次峰會發言中指出「亞洲的事亞洲人辦」。2014年10月至2015年年初,西方媒體常以「平行架構」方式形容中國大陸正在全球建構一個新的政治、經濟、安全體系,並試圖抗衡戰後美國所主導的全球政經秩序。本文試以冷戰後全球化時代下,中國大陸以國家新安全觀戰略視角分析其以平行架構戰略探討對亞太安全的影響。 關鍵詞:新安全觀、平行架構、亞太安全、和平發展


During China’s “Hide one's light and keep in shadow ”time after end of cold war, China had enthusiast participating in all international activities, organizations and enhancing the connections among other countries. By switching its international constructive role in Asia Pacific area, it tried to be the main actor and one of the most influential nation. However, the rising China theory also comes with the doubt of “ the China threat.” Hence, China started to promote new secure and harmonies expects from peace and security angle in order to create a friendly, nice image among neighbor countries. Therefore, In order to decrease the insecure tension among other Asian nations, China raised five basic points "mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination " for new national security concept. After Xi jing-ping's leading, China is keen for international affairs and international organizations. Recently, Xi has focus on leading Asia pacific regime affairs among economic and security field. Furthermore, Xi made the talk "Asian run its own business " on the Interaction and Confidence - Building Measures in Asia (CICA) conference. During October 2014 to the beginning if 2915, the western media had describe China as using " parallel Structures" method to construct a new economy, political, security world regime in order to contend USA. The study try to analyze China's "parallel framework " strategy affects on Asai Pacific security from new national security expect after Cold War. Key Word : new security expect, parallel structures, Asia Pacific security, peaceful development


