  • 學位論文

建築業融資對政府政策之因應 -以幸福建設公司向A銀行融資為例

Responses of Financial Institutions to Government Policy in Terms of Construction Financing ─ A Case Study on the Construction Financing by A Bank to幸福建設公司

指導教授 : 鎮明常


中文摘要 近年來國內部分地區的不動產市場價格上漲,除因游資過多無適當投資管道去消化外,低利的投資環境,以及不動產相關稅制的不健全,是助長房價上漲之主因,而房價的不斷上漲,對於政府落實居住正義的政策產生質疑。近來各界對於不動產市場的關注焦點,多著重在價格過高,以及稅制不完備等議題,致不動產稅制改革的呼聲逐漸高漲。而完善的不動產稅制不但須兼顧不動產市場的發展與人民居住的正義,同時也要顧及稅負之公平性。 授信業務為金融機構主力業務,惟政策的預期效應已造成不動產市場買賣交易量萎縮,一旦經濟環境及不動產市場景氣反轉向下,恐導致金融機構之逾期放款及呆帳增加,如何因應政府之不動產稅負改革政策,對不動產市場未來發展可能產生的影響,金融機構應及早擬定相關應變措施,才能有效降低不動產授信業務之風險。銀行承作土地及建築融資方向應以地段優良、建商財力雄厚具知名度且社會風評良好、既往推案銷售實績佳為主,並以嚴謹之審查態度,確實瞭解其自有資金來源及籌資能力。   為控管住宅用不動產貸款之風險,承作自用住宅貸款,可降低資本計提之風險權數,提高資本適足率,因此,建議銀行業多承作自用住宅貸款。


Abstract In the recent years, real estate market pricing including housing price in part of areas in Taiwan has been increased. The reasons for such increase include too many hot monies without proper investment vehicles, low-interest investment environment, and problems of tax policies with respect to real estate. And people have started to doubt policies related to the right of adequate and affordable housing implemented by the Government. Recently, main focus of real estate market lies on that price thereof has been overly high and problems of tax policies which have leaded to real estate tax policies reform. In order to improve real estate tax policies, the Government needs to take care of real estate market, the right of adequate and affordable housing and fairness of tax rate. Credit business is the main business of financial institutions and the expected effects of policy already caused the trading volume of real estate market shrinking. In the event that the prosperity of the economic environment and the real estate market turn down, overdue loans and bad debts will increase. Financial institutions should act sooner and implement related measures in order to response to the real estate tax policies to be reformed by the Government, and to lower its own risks regarding real estate credit business. When making real estate loans including housing loans, financial institutions should consider whether the location of the subject real estate is good, the financial status and reputation of the construction company and its past projects and should investigate the company’s financial source and its ability to raise funds. In order to control the risk of residential real estate loans, loan commitment for owner-occupied residence could lower the risk weight of capital charge, and improve the Bank of International Settlement ratio:BIS ratio Therefore, more loan commitment for owner-occupied residence is advised for the banking industry.




陳美珍,2011,影響青年創業貸款成功之關鍵因素-以 T 銀行為例. 成
