  • 學位論文


The Construction and Practice of Holistic Education—A Study of Co-Life Home

指導教授 : 何青蓉


"摘要 本研究採個案研究,以高雄匠愛家園為研究對象,旨在探討匠愛家園成員在全人教育建構與實踐上家庭概念與生命意義變化之情形,以及匠愛家園全人教育建構與實踐的特色。以訪談、參與觀察、文件分析三種方法蒐集資料與分析歸納,所得之研究結論如下: 壹、家庭概念: 一、成員在家庭概念上過往缺乏愛與被愛的認知與行為 二、成員在家庭概念上產生血緣及親屬非家人必要條件、具自我覺察/省思/接納/敞開分享的能力的變化 貳、生命意義: 一、成員過去的生命意義因受限於社會與個人層面的經驗,而無法多面看見與理解 二、成員的生命意義以「愛人如己」的關懷關係為核心 三、成員以恢復關係為生命意義 四、成員以為人服務、工作付出為生命意義 五、成員以陪伴幫助他人、成為榜樣、傳承經驗為生命意義 參、匠愛家園在全人教育建構的特色 一、以人與信仰的關係為其他關係的基礎 二、在團體中落實信仰「愛人如己」之教導 三、將衝突做為成長的管道 四、在關係中注重省思/改變與互助提攜 本研究依據上述之研究結果提出建議,作為匠愛家園、教會、社會大眾與未來研究之參考。"


"Abstract This research is a case study of Co-Life Home in Kaohsiung. It aims to explore the changes of the institution’s residents in the concept of family and the meaning of life in view of the construction and practice of holistic education; the characteristics of Co-Life Home with regard to the construction and practice of holistic education are also examined. In this study, interviews, participant observations and document analyses were conducted to collect data. The data were then analyzed and generalized. The conclusions of the research are summarized as follows: I. Concept of Family 1-1. There was a lack of cognition and actions of love and being loved in the residents in the past concerning the concept of family. 1-2. Regarding the concept of family, the residents are developing the thought that family members do not have to be genetically related or kin. In addition, the residents are undergoing changes in the abilities to be self-aware, perceive and reflect, accept, open up the mind, and share. II. Meaning of Life 2-1. The residents previously did not perceive the meaning of life from multiple angles because of their limited social and individual experiences. 2-2. Now, the residents’ lives are centered on the loving care of ""loving your neighbor as yourself."" 2-3. The residents have found out that restoring relationships is their meaning of life. 2-4. The residents have realized that working and serving is their meaning of life. 2-5. The residents have also discovered that their meaning of life is to help and be with people, be a life model, and to pass on their experiences. III. The Characteristics of Co-Life Home Regarding the Construction of Holistic Education 3-1. The association between people and what they believe is the foundation of other relationships. 3-2. The teaching, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” is being implemented in the groups. 3-3. A conflict is a sure opportunity and path to personal growth and development. 3-4. Reflection, change, and mutual assistance are paid great respect in relationships. Based on the research results, some suggestions are presented for reference to Co-Life Home, churches, the general public, and future researchers. Keywords: holistic education, concept of family, meaning of life, self-awareness, relationship restoration."


人生百味Do You A Flavor(2015)。官方網站。取自http://doyouaflavor.tw/(搜尋日期:2019年03月23日)
