  • 學位論文


From Folklore to Festivals:A Case Study of Dongshi Shin-Ding-Ban Festival in Taichung City

指導教授 : 林淑鈴


"本研究聚焦在臺中東勢地區新丁粄活動,以文化街與東勢舊火車站暨客家文化園區為研究範圍,使用深度訪談與參與觀察方法蒐集資料,藉以了解東勢地區新丁粄活動隨著民間團體參與、政府資源挹注後的文化變遷現象,訪談對象包括臺中市客家委員會官員、臺中市客家文化協會會員、在地耆老、文史工作者與東勢北興里永興宮卸任主委。研究問題為東勢新丁粄文化從傳統民俗演變至當代節慶的過程中,促成改變的因素與所造成的影響。研究發現有以下四點: 一、政府部門的政策與資源挹注造成臺中東勢新丁粄節的文化變遷現象。 二、民間團體的參與投入促使新丁粄文化意涵轉變。 三、觀光導向的節慶規劃帶動東勢地區的產業動能與商機。 四、地方民眾因活動提升至節慶層次有所受惠與期待。"


"The purpose of this study was to investigate The Dongshi Shin-Ding-Ban Festival in Taichung City. The scope of this research was from Wenhua Street to former Dongshih Train Station and Dongshi Hakka Cultural Park. To understand the development in The Dongshi Shin-Ding-Ban Festival in Taichung City after having the participation of non-governmental organizations and resources from Taichung City Government, participant observation and in-depth interviews methods were applied. The interviewees included officials of Council for Hakka Affairs of Taichung City Government, the members of the Hakka Cultural Association in Taichung City, local elder citizens, cultural workers, and the former chairman of Yongxing Temple of Beixing Borough in Dongshih District. The research questions were the elements which facilitated the development and the influence of the process that The Folklore of The Shin-Ding-Ban became The Dongshi Shin-Ding-Ban Festival. The research findings were as follow: 1.The policies and resources of the government resulted in The Dongshi Shin-Ding-Ban Festival’s development. 2.Participation of non-governmental organizations transformed the meaning of The Dongshi Shin-Ding-Ban Festival. 3.The tourism-oriented planning generated the industrial development and business opportunities in Dongshi District. 4.Local citizens were benefited from the development of the folklore to a festival."


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