  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relations among Behavior of Internet Using and Learning Achievement in Middle Grade of Elementary School

指導教授 : 孫培真




The person who conducted this research is teaching computers to middle grade students of an elementary school. He found that most of the students had used the computers or the Internet before they attended the course. Their learning attitudes and concentrations to the lessons were affected by their experience on using the Internet, and the affecting was different between genders. The above fact motivates the authors to study if the students’ genders and preferred websites would have effects on the performance of the classes or not. This study took the middle grade students of one elementary school in Kaohsiung as sample, including 600 people approximately. The study collected 30 websites to which the students usually have access and let them picked up the first ten sites they visited most frequently. The grades of the first and the second monthly exams were taken as the learning achievements. View the collected data and found:(a)The website of preferences students, mostly were gaming and social website,(b)The students who prefer the educational websites were less but score better than average. The data has been analyzed with the SPSS software, find out there is some apparent connection between the statistics in the data and the behavior of Internet using can only predict the learning achievements of the students sparingly. The conclusions of the research could be used as a reference for the educational workers to teach or guide students in the future.


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