  • 學位論文


Fairness Perceptions of Merit Rating System, Work Attitudes and Perceived Work Performances of the Pingtung County Police Force: a correlational approach.

指導教授 : 劉廷揚


本研究目的主要探討屏東縣警政人員考績公平認知與工作態度之相關研究,並由主管評價員警的工作績效及組織公民行為,探究跨層次的關聯性。 研究目的為:(一)探討目前屏東縣警政人員對考績制度公平認知、工作態度與主管認知其工作績效與組織公民行為差異情形。(二)瞭解目前屏東縣警政人員個人不同屬性,對考績制度公平認知與工作態度之差異性情形。(三)瞭解目前屏東縣警政人員,個人對於考績制度公平性之感受對工作態度之影響。(四) 探討「部屬所認知的自我工作態度」對「主管對於部屬工作績效與組織公民行為之認知」之預測力。針對上述研究目的,探究以個人屬性變項對考績公平認知及工作績效之影響,瞭解彼此相關性情形,討論七項研究問題,建立研究架構與假設。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以目前屏東縣政府局所屬七個分局,每個分局所屬分駐(派出)所之基層員警為對象,發放問卷共計300份,有效回收300份並以t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關分析法、迴歸分析等統計方法數據分析。研究結果發現如下: 一、 不同屬性的屏東縣警政人員對考績考績公平認知、工作態度有差異。 二、 屏東縣警政人員考績公平認知與工作態度二者具有正向關聯。 三、 考績公平認知的分層面能預測工作態度。 四、 屏東縣警政人員「主管年度考績評核」與「部屬自我認知工作態度與表現」有差異。 五、 「部屬所認知的自我工作態度」方面,僅部分能預測「主管對部屬工作績效與組織公民行為」。 綜觀文獻及研究資料,國內外學者對考績制度研究以一般政府機關之公務人員均多,而以警政人員為研究對象,數量較少。爰此,期盼透過本研究結果,能使警政機關多重視考績程序之公平性,藉以提升部屬工作認同感,進而激勵工作士氣,營造良善的組織環境,一同攜手改變警界,一同邁向更好的未來。


This thesis sets out to investigate the correlations between Pingtung County's police officers' attitudes at work and their fairness perceptions of the existing merit rating system. It also factors in the supervisor evaluations of the work performances and organizational citizenship behavior of the officers in question to create a cross-level analysis of this important topic. The primary purposes of the present study are as follows: 1. To analyze the work attitudes and the fairness perceptions of the present merit rating system of Pingtung County's police service providers, as well as their supervisors' perceptions of their work performances and organizational citizenship behavior. 2. To look into the ways how Pingtung County's police officers' work attitudes and perceptions of the present merit rating system are influenced by the different categories (e.g. gender, age, etc.) they belong to. 3. To shed new light on the complicated relationships between the work attitudes and the perceived fairness of the present merit rating system of the Pingtung County police force. 4. To probe the predictive force of the officers' self-perceptions of work attitudes and the supervisors' perceptions of their work performances and organizational citizenship behavior. The thesis then builds up a theoretic framework on the basis of individual categories to delve into seven sub-issues and explicate the complex relations between works performances and fairness perceptions of the existing merit rating system. The study is conducted on the basis of the questionnaire survey research method. 300 Frontline officers from the seven precincts of the Pingtung County Police Bureau are randomly selected to answer a survey instrument composed of questions their work attitudes and fairness perceptions of the present merit rating system. The survey results are then scrutinized with multiple statistic instruments, including t-test, one-way ANOVA, as well as regression analysis, to generate significant findings as follows: 1. Officers of different categories display substantial differences in terms of fairness perception of the merit rating system as well as attitude at work. 2. Officers’ fairness perceptions of the merit rating system and work attitudes demonstrate positive correlation. 3. The sub-dimension of fairness perceptions of the merit rating system possesses a strong predictive force for individual work attitudes. 4. Annual performance evaluations by supervisors show discrepancies with the officers’ self-perceptions of work attitudes. 5. The officers’ self-perceptions of work attitudes displays only limited predictive force for their supervisors’ evaluations of work performances and citizenship behavior. The past research—whether foreign or Taiwanese—on our country's merit rating system has been predominantly focused upon non-police public sectors by using questionnaire survey method. Police service providers have all but fallen into unfortunate oblivion in this regard. In an endeavor to bridge this yawning gulf, the current study is committed to this issue to draw public attention to the importance of a fair merit rating system—which will certainly inspire greater loyalty and higher morale among police service providers. As part of the concerted efforts to build up a better work environment for all police officers in Taiwan, this study is also expected to serve as a reminder for everyone who has the authority and accountability to make changes for the better.


