  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 劉廷揚


據1111人力銀行2013年調查,在職場中有高達54%的上班族曾經受到過霸凌行為,被霸凌者可能因此在工作上產生倦怠感 (馮惠宜,2013) 。為探討運用正向情緒是否能提高技能,又或者運用社會支持來減輕負面影響。因此,本研究採用問卷調查法,以高雄市政府公教人員為例,來研究職場霸凌、工作倦怠、正向情緒與社會支持之關聯性。   本研究目的為:(一)了解高雄市政府公教人員遭受職場霸凌與產生工作倦怠的狀況。(二)了解正向情緒對具工作倦怠的同仁正面影響之情形。(三)了解職場上,社會支持讓感到倦怠的同仁消除負面影響之情況。(四)促使市府上層或管理單位正視職場霸凌、工作倦怠之危害,與正向情緒及社會支持之效益,以期減少衝突或避免憾事發生。而研究問題則針對,市府公教人員面對職場霸凌時是否產生工作倦怠?以及是否會因正向情緒或社會支持,而使遭遇職場霸凌所產生的工作倦怠獲得調節?進行探討。   本研究以高雄市政府公教人員為研究對象,共計發放300份問卷,回收276份有效問卷,回收率為92%。以SPSS 24.0版統計軟體進行資料分析工具,研究結果發現:(一)職場霸凌對工作倦怠,具顯著正向影響。(二)正向情緒對於工作倦怠,具顯著負向影響。(三)社會支持對工作倦怠,具顯著負向影響。(四)正向情緒在職場霸凌與工作倦怠間具調節作用。(五)社會支持在職場霸凌與工作倦怠間具部分調節作用。基於研究結果,提出實務上應用之建議與後續未來研究方向之參考。


Research of 1111 Job Bank in 2013 revealed that about 54% of the office workers, who might suffer from job burnout, have been bullied at the office (Feng, 2013 ). Accordingly, this study would like to discuss whether positive emotions can improve performance or social support can reduce negative outcomes. This study used questionnaire and focused on officials and teachers of Kaohsiung City Government for studying correlations among workplace bullying, job burnout, positive emotions, and social support.   The purposes of this study are shown below. First, this study examined how workplace bullying and job burnout influenced officials and teachers of Kaohsiung City Government. Second, this study presented how positive emotions influenced their job burnout. Third, this study revealed how social support reduced their negative outcomes. Finally, the risk of workplace bullying and job burnout and the benefit of positive emotions and social support, for reducing conflicts or avoiding regrets, would be concerned by governor and related department of management of Kaohsiung City Government. The underlying presumption of this research question are discussed below. Would officials and teachers of Kaohsiung City Government have job burnout when facing workplace bullying? Whether their job burnout would have mediating effect or not when feeling positive emotions or giving social support? This case study focuses on officials and teachers of Kaohsiung City Government for research. A total 300 purposive sampling questionnaires were conducted and 276 effective ones were retrieved (92 % effective response rate) and research data is analysed by SPSS 24.0. This study result found that Workplace Bullying had positive influences on Job Burnout, but, Positive Emotions and Social Support had negative influences on Job Burnout. Moreover, Positive Emotions have mediating effect between Workplace Bullying and Job Burnout, while Social Support had a part of mediating effect between Workplace Bullying and Job Burnout. Suggestion and conclusion are provided for further application and research.


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