  • 學位論文


The Changing Civic Society for Civics and Society Teacher in Current Teaching Situation of High School

指導教授 : 鄭依萍


教育部於 95 學年度起開始實施高中課程暫行綱要,整合既有科目《三民主義》、《公民》、《現代社會》,新設《公民與社會》一科,也在98年起,納入學測與指考範圍,也因為臺灣總是以考試引導教學,此政策的實施,讓學校和學生之間也升起對「公民科」的重視。另外為了瞭解公民社會演變歷程,在臺灣不同時期的公民社會,其所強調的公民教育意涵也會有所不同,及我國高中公民科的重要變革,主要也都是沿襲著公民社會與公民教育而來的。執是故,本研究除了針對高中公民與社會科之變革進行疏理,亦希望也能了解公民與社會科課程在公民教育中的角色。 本研究針對現職高中《公民與社會》科教師們進行深入訪談分析,呈現教師們對教學經驗的詮釋,並探討在不同背景下高中《公民與社會》科教師在我國公民教育的教育觀點的差異。本研究根據訪談資料分析結果與文獻相互檢證,獲得的結論下: 一、不同政治社會脈絡下對形塑「公民」的角色有不同的想法,連帶的使不同世代的公民老師對希望在課堂上培養出來的公民有分歧,呈現出「國家的公民教育」與「社會的公民教育」之間的拉鋸。 二、《公民與社會》科長久以來的困境,如:公民科是弱勢的科目、國高中公民無法銜接、公民素養與升學科目的兩難。這些困境經由訪談後確認,即使在現行的99課綱下,依舊無法解決此一瓶頸,以上提及的問題仍是高中公民科教師們在教學上的限制。


The Ministry of Education applied the Curriculum Reform for the Senior High School since 2006. This reform integrated the existing “Three Principles of The People”, “Civics” and “Modern Society” into a new course, “Civics and Society” which became a subject of Scholastic Aptitude Test and Department Required Test since 2009. Owing to the implementation of this policy and assessment-orientated teaching- learning attitude, teachers and students paid more attention on “Civics and Society”. This research interviewed six teachers of “Civics and Society” in senior high school. I aim to let teachers interpret their various teaching experiences and to discuss their different views of civic education within different civil societal contexts. Research conclusions are as follow: I: Different political and societal contexts shape its "adequate citizen" respectively. “ Civics and Society” teachers cultivated from different contexts have different perspectives of citizen and deliver their own views in their classrooms. Thus, it causes many to and fro between two attitudes of ‘National civic education’ and ‘Societal civic education’. II: The difficulties of “Civics and Society” curriculum found in high school: marginal curriculum, weak connections to materials of junior high school, and dilemma between cultivation and assessment of civic virtue. According to my interviews, these problems wouldn't be mitigated by the Curriculum Reform in 2010. These problems remain as main challenges to our ‘Civics and Society’ teachers.


