  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 魯炳炎


我國大學法從1948年制定公布,其中經1972年、1982年、1994年、2005年四次修正。早在1986年「大學改造運動」與1989年「大學法修正草案」中即初步顯現,時至1994年公布修正之「大學法」仍未見「大學行政法人化」納入公布,嗣後2001年11月與2003年06月25日行政院院會核定「大學法修正草案」,增列「行政法人國立大學」專章,歷次修法過程中從1989年至2005年,迭經數十次立法程序討論始完成今日公布之「大學法」。 本文先針對德國、日本、英國、法國及我國大學法人制度進行回顧,著重在大學行政法人化制度之介紹,再彙整德國、日本、以及我國國立大學行政法人化之歷史沿革。第二,回顧國內行政法人化之文獻與全國碩博士論文及我國行政法人化制度相關議題,以「國立交通大學與國立清華大學合併」研究個案。第三,進行問卷調查法與深度訪談法,請教專家學者,對照學理與實務的看法,並提供國立大學行政法人化日後發展之建言。 我國國立大學行政法人化及國立大學兩校合併的未來發展現況,應用理論分析方式探討本文三個研究目的。並建構時間架構為短期(2005-2008)(採2005年之過去式,主因於5年5百億的經費為該年核發)、中期(2008-2012)以及長期(2012-2020)等三時期。對於影響國立大學行政法人化未來15年之發展,採以「國立大學行政法人化」及「交通、清華大學兩校合併」之施行與否為問題導向,找出國立大學行政法人化實施之變數,設定四種可能出現的情境,提出最有可能發生與最希望發生之情境策略進而提出建議,作為未來國立大學行政法人化轉型改制的政策參考。


Abstract The University Act of Taiwan was constituted and published since 1984, and was amended in 1972, 1982, 1994 and 2005. It appeared initiatively “perestroika campaign of universities” in 1986 and “amended outline of University Act” in 1989, but administrative corporation of national university was still not mentioned in the University Act which was amended and announced in 1994. Subsequently, the Executive Yuan decided to set up “administrative corporation of national university” section into the University Act in November 2001 and June 25, 2003. .In the duration of emendation of law from 1989 to 2005, after much discussion of legislation procession, subsequently finished currently published the University Act. First, this study reviewed the public corporation system of universities of German, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, and Taiwan, and focused on the introduction of administrative corporation system of university. Then we compiled the history of the administrative corporation system of university of German, Japan, and Taiwan. Second, this study reviewed the documents that related to the domestic administrative corporation system of university, theses, and related subjects of administrative corporation system of Taiwan. And we had a case study of merge of National Chiao Tung University and National Tsing Hua University. Third, we carried on questionnaire survey and depth interview method and proposed the recommendation according to theory and practice for future progression of administrative corporation system of university by scholars. We should discuss three study purposes by theoretical analysis about administrative corporation of national university and future development of merge of two national universities. We divided three periods of time to construct this study and they were short-term (2005-2008) (use pass form in 2005, because the 5 billion budget of 5 years was issued this year), mid-term (2008-2012), and long-term (2012-2020). About influence on progression of administrative corporation of national university in future 15 years, we found variables about administration of administrative corporation of national university by question-orientation on whether perform the administrative corporation of national university and merge of NTHU and NCTU, then set up four possible situations and proposed the suggestion of most possible and hoped occurred situational strategy to act as policy consult on future transformation of law of administrative corporation of national university. Keywords:administrative corporation of national university, University Act,National Chiao Tung University, National Tsing Hua University, situational planning。




