  • 學位論文


A Study of Applying FMEA and DMAIC Methods in Improving Customer Complaint

指導教授 : 陳啟政


在今日蓬勃發展的服務業經濟體系,不斷翻滾推動的能量正催生著產業從製造業到服務業,從有形到無形,從產值到價值,已逐漸被人與人之間服務與關係(The service and relationship)所取代。而且企業必須調整策略以因應擁有相對權力的消費者。建立顧客滿意度,找出二十一世紀發展所必備的「核心競爭能力」已是必然的趨勢。 顧客是帶領我們進入其欲求世界的靈魂人物,維繫顧客的關鍵在於顧客滿意度(customer satisfaction)。服務品質不佳造成客訴對企業產生負面效應,不但影響客戶滿意度,負面口碑更降低再購意願。所以企業必需正視〝客戶心聲〞(Voics of customer VOC)的重要性。本研究係透過失效模式與效應分析(Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,FMEA)輔以六標準差五大展開步驟(即DMAIC),將服務傳遞技術品質(Technical Quality)及功能品質(Functional Quality)衍生核心服務失誤(Core Service Failure)。將所面臨的不確定因素或風險加以量化,建構一套〝最佳化客訴評估模式〞,用來預防和矯正系統失效的潛在因素,服務人員可透過嚴密的作業控管,對抱怨訊息加以分析,羅列出評估可能失效模式及造成之效應,列出惡化項目提出優先改善措施。本研究擬對此有所貢獻,選定個案公司驗證將其應用在無形之服務業,建構服務品質傳送衍生顧客申訴效應,透過風險優先係數(Risk Priority Number)之評估;將顧客申訴頻率予以量化並強化補救成本效應概念,依其權重決定預防或矯正作業的優先順序;建立關鍵績效指標(Key Performance Indicator)予以改善監控,使其逐漸趨向〝最佳化服務品質〞為目標。進一步降低客訴率以建立顧客忠誠度,形塑企業價值觀與標準,為公司的價值觀賦予新意,以提昇企業營運績效為宗旨。 關鍵字:失效模式與效應分析;DMAIC;最佳化客訴評估模式


In today's booming service economy . science and technology have constantly been making powerful changes from manufacturing to service industry; they also have effected changes from the tangible product cost to the intangible product values. However, today’s phenomenal growth in the service economy is now being replaced by business service and relationship. Every enterprise is in need to adjust itself to face equally demanding customers. Furthermore, establishing customer satisfaction and securing the “core competency” of the business for the 21st Century are trendy now. Business customers are essential to achieving the world class status, the key to customer retention lies in the customer satisfaction. Deterioration in service quality causes customer complaint which has a negative impact on the enterprises, not only in terms of customer satisfaction, but also customers’ loyalty due to the negative publicity. Therefore business must be serious in listening and paying respect to the voice of customers (VOC). This study utilizes the concept of “Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA),” and the Six Sigma DMAIC methodology on issues of Technical Quality and Functional Quality in connection with the “Core Service Failure.” By quantifying those uncertain factors or risks in the process, a〝Optimal Customer Complaint Evaluation Model〞has been developed. The methodology may be utilized to adjust the hidden factors involved in the system thus preventing it from failure. Therefore, service personnel may follow the rigorous operation control method to analyze complaint information, and may further assess the impact of tabulated results of the corresponding FMEA. The negative results may be rectified or prevention measures may be adopted as a priority. This research plans to contribute to the above area by selecting a case company to study its functionality and impact in the intangible service business. Also, by effecting service quality in the process of handling customer complaint, through the Risk Priority Number assessment, one may quantify the frequency of customer complaints. It may be further coupled with the concept of Recovery〝cost effectiveness〞to determine the priority of either corrective or preventive actions. Furthermore when coupled with Key Performance Indicator the company may be able to improve its control with the goal of achieving its “Optimal Service Quality.” Eventually this research hopes to help the particular enterprise reduce customer complaint frequency and reinforce customer loyalty. Ultimately, the research hopes to shape up the value standard of the particular enterprise, bring forth a new meaning to the business, and raise the company revenue and profit as the final goal. Key Words: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis; FMEA; DMAIC; Optimal Customer Complaint Evaluation Model.


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