  • 學位論文

應用雨量空間分析於易淹水區域潛勢之研究 -以東港溪流域為例

Application of Spatial Analysis of Rainfall on Flood Potential Area - A Case Study at Tungkang River Basin

指導教授 : 丁澈士


本研究之目的在於模擬颱風事件後的地面水逕流流向,判別低窪地區容易淹水的區域範圍。研究中的模擬共分成兩部分。首先,運用地理資訊系統將降雨量資料與地下水位資料個別以不同內插法分析降雨和水位分布情形,插分法的選用有反距離加權插值法、方栓法及克利金法。次之,以降雨量分布情形加入坡向因子概念,分析出降雨逕流流向。最後,將模擬推估出容易淹水範圍區域與實際颱風事件後的淹水情形做比對。分析後發現克利金法搭配指數模式所得到的結果有76.21 %符合實際情形。


The purposes of this research are to analyze directions for surface runoff flow after the typhoon events simulation, identify low-lying areas prone to flooding in the scope of the study. Simulation studies were divided into two parts. Frist, the use of geographic information system will be the rainfall data and groundwater level data to individual analysis of different interpolation distribution of rainfall and water level situation, the choice of interpolation method are Inverse Distance Weighting、Spline、Kriging. Second, to rainfall distribution situation that adding the concept of aspect factor, analyze the flow of rainfall runoff. Final, analog estimate compare prone to the scope of flooding with Typhoon actual situation after the flooding. After analysis revealed that kriging collocation exponential model with actual situation the results obtained with 76.21%.


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