  • 學位論文

木質鑲嵌用材開發設計與機械加工輔助評估— 以「茄苳入石柳」為例

Design Development and Evaluation of Mechanical Processing for Wooden Inlaid Craft Wood -A Case Study of “Shi-Liou Inlaid Jia-Dung”

指導教授 : 黃俊傑 藍浩繁


「茄苳入石柳」為傳統木質鑲嵌技藝的代稱,更是台灣具代表性之工藝,舊時多用於裝飾傳統家具和宗教祭祀禮器。「茄苳入石柳」是將兩種不同紋理色澤之木材鑲嵌,賦予對比分明的視覺美感。然而隨時代的變遷,老藝師日漸凋零,加上無後繼之人傳承創新,此項傳統技藝面臨沒落之困境。 本研究為延續「茄苳入石柳」鑲嵌技法,經文獻歸納與田野調查兩方面探究,分析此技法的材料與製作流程,開發設計適用材種與機械加工輔助之評估。 開發用材方面,以一百多種商用木材為篩選樣本,對照傳統用材的外觀與一般性質因子開發設計選材,選出34種。將樹種做CIE L*a*b*測色,取代表明度的L*值區分出材色深淺,a*b*值代表彩度,將木材標本色塊填入CIE L*a*b*色彩系統座標,建置顏色數值資料庫,再以電腦軟體模擬木質鑲嵌建立圖庫,以提供藝師製作時參考運用。 機械加工方面,針對鑲嵌底板凹槽加工探究,經電腦數控花刨機進行袋型加工銑削,試驗條件以不同的主軸轉速與送材速度,銑削出30°與15°角隅,觀察角隅之缺陷比率。試驗結果顯示銑削皆發生角隅崩潰,CNC花鉋機補助加工較適合用於直線或弧線等加工路徑。


The wooden inlaid craft is called ”Shi-Liu in Jia-Dong”. It is one of Taiwan's representative crafts. The decoration skill is using woods with different color as materials to build bright effect in sight. However, with changing times, the old master artist are gradually diminishing, with no subsequent inheritance and innovation of the people, this traditional skills decline. This study aimed to continue the skill, ‘Shi-Liu in Jia-Dong’. It starts two aspects of literature and fieldwork to explore. By analyzing the skill of the materials and process, design development and evaluation of mechanical processing for wooden inlaid craft wood. Via 100 kinds of commercial timber become analyzing samples. First, according to texture and specific gravity of traditional materials sift 34 kinds. Secondly, using spectral color measurement tests wood lightness to obtain and sort CIE L*a*b* values. Then, the specimen color blocks fill CIE L * a * b * color system coordinates to build color values a database. Lastly, using Adobe Photoshop software simulated wooden inlaid works. It could supply the reference for the craftsmen. In mechanical processing side, exploring grooves of inlaid wood are milled with CNC routers using pocket machining. Test conditions are different spindle speed and feed speed. Milling 30 ° and 15 ° corner observed corner crack ratio. The result of milling showed that all occurred corner crack. CNC router processing for inlaid wood is suitable for linear or arc machining path.


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