  • 學位論文

性別與種族對經濟表現影響之研究—以印尼東爪哇Sendang Biru海岸地區之漁村為例

The Effect of Gender and Ethnics on Economic Performance of Fishery Areas; A Case Study at Sendang Biru Costal Area,East Java, Indonesia

指導教授 : 黃文琪


本研究以印尼東爪哇Sendang Biru海岸地區之漁村為研究地點,以質性與量化資料分析在漁村中性別與種族及其他變數對漁業有關的經濟活動及經濟表現的影響。本研究主要使用訪談方式在該地收集初級資料並輔以次級資料的收集。選擇以Sendang Biru海岸地區的漁村為研究地點的原因是當地具有有多元族群如爪哇族(Javanese)、馬都拉族(Madurese)、布吉族(Bugis)、巴達克族(Batak)及巴布亞族(Papua)等不同族群。本研究以結構化問卷配合人員深度訪談,依當地族群分布分層抽樣獲得119位居民受訪。並在現場拍照以做為內容分析以及哈佛性別分析方法的佐證資料。研究結果發現當地漁業經濟活動之勞動力配置依性別有所差異;男性多半在海上捕魚,而女性則在陸地上從事漁產品加工與銷售工作。而爪哇族、馬都拉族與布吉族有明顯的差異。相較於其他種族與性別,爪哇族的女性須兼顧經濟活動與操持家務最為辛苦。而馬都拉族的女性主要從事漁產品銷售,有較佳的經濟能力。嫁到布吉族家庭的女性因為通常不被允許在外工作,在經濟面對丈夫的依賴較高。量化資料的部分,以爪哇族與馬都拉族為對象進行分析比較。結果發現個人所得差異明顯,主要影響因素為性別、經濟活動的類型及種族。


Sendang Biru 性別 種族 經濟表現 漁業


This research was conducted in Sendang Biru, Malang, Indonesia using qualitative and quantitative methods to understand the differences in fishery related economic activities based on ethnics and gender, and to analyze the variables affected economic performance. Site selection was based on the presence of various tribes such as Javanese, Madurese, Bugis, Batak, and Papua in the community. The primary data was collected through a structured questionnaire and in-depth interviews. Using stratified sampling method based on the distribution of ethnicity in the area, 119 respondents with diverse ethnic background participated in the survey. Pictures taken on site were used to support content analysis method and the Harvard gender analysis method. The result showed the division of labor based on gender in economic activities, namely, men mainly catching fish in the sea, while women staying on the inland for non-fishing activities such as processing fish or trading. Respondents of different ethnics such as Javanese, Madurese, and Bugis showed significant differences.The Javanese women hadto perform the most demanding economic and domestic activities compared to all other gender and ethnicity. The Madurese women had already economically empowered themselves because they worked as trader with higher income. On the other hand, women married to men from Bugis tribe had high economic dependence on the husbands because women were forbidden to work. The quantitative analysis focused on comparing the respondents from the two major ethnic groups, the Javanese and the Madurese. It was found that substantial variation of respondent’s personal income. The identified contributing variables explained the differences in personal income were gender, the types of economic activities, and ethnics.


Sendang Biru Gender Ethnic Economics Performance Fishery


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