  • 學位論文


Residents' Perceptions on Economic Impacts of Tourism in Mongolia

指導教授 : 黃文琪


一般認為旅遊業能帶動地方經濟發展。然而旅遊業不僅有巨大的經濟利益也有可觀的成本。在蒙古,旅遊業是僅次於農業和礦業的第三個最重要的經濟部門,具有促進經濟發展的重要作用。然而,由於公共資金的再分配機制不佳,與旅遊相關的稅收收入未分配給地方政府。因此旅遊目的地仍不發達且當地居民都無法獲益。因此,本研究的主要目的是為了更佳瞭解蒙古Kharkhorin居民是如何看待當地旅遊業對家庭生計和區域經濟發展的影響。為此,本研究探討社會人口變量以及受訪決定因素和認知經濟影響之間的關係。根據研究目的和研究框架,設計四個研究問題進行檢定。為了收集原始數據,居民住戶調查是從2014年一月到至二月。400份問卷中,有390份有效問卷,有效回收率97%。使用統計軟體(SPSS,V.20)進行分析。 使用卡方檢定第一個問題:「受訪者居住地和認知的經濟影響之間沒有顯著差異」。結果顯示受訪者居住地區和經濟影響的認知有統計上的顯著差異。變異數分析和獨立樣本t檢定用來檢定第二個問題:「人口統計變量和旅遊業的經濟影響之間沒有顯著差異」。結果顯示,從統計上居民年齡和性別有顯著差異,而教育程度、職業、家庭收入無統計上的顯著差異」。 以主成分因子分析法來測定第三個問題:「什麼因素影響居民對旅遊業的經濟影響認知」,結果發現有兩個因素:經濟利益及經濟成本。經濟利益占總變異的42.82%比經濟成本的因素高得多。最後利用多元迴歸分析來探討:「決定因素對旅遊業經濟影響的差異不顯著」。調查結果表明,居民可能因若干決定因素會對旅遊業發展的利益與成本有不同的看法:居民未出生在研究區域,及未在旅遊業工作,更鮮少有旅行體驗會對旅遊的經濟成本較為擔憂。本研究結果確定了一般而言Kharkhorin的居民對旅遊業發展持有正面的看法。認為在Kharkhorin的旅遊業發展帶來利益高於成本。本研究可提供給負責旅遊業政策者參考,了解具有那些人口統計變量特質的Kharkhorin居民對經濟影響有正面的認知。了解哪些變量影響居民對旅遊業有正面的看法,對該行業永續發展至為重要。


Tourism development is widely perceived as a significant set of economic activities to enhance local economies. Tourism has huge economic benefits for host countries and tourists’ home countries. Simultaneously, tourism also brings negative impacts for destinations. In Mongolia, tourism is the third most important economic sector after agriculture and mining.It is playing a vital role contributing to economic growth and raising the standard of living. However, due to the poor redistribution of public funds, tourism-related tax revenue does not necessarily go back to the regions or places where tourism activities were organized. For that reason, the sharing of tourism benefit in total inflow is quite low, tourist destinations are still underdeveloped and local residents are also unable to receive benefits directly.Therefore, the main goal of this research was to better understand how local residents perceive economic impacts of tourism on household livelihood and region’s development in Kharkhorin, Mongolia.For thispurpose, this research investigated a relationship between socio-demographic variables as well as determinants of the respondents and perceived economic impacts in considering both the benefits and costs of tourism development. Based on the objectives and the research framework, three research questions were presented and tested. In order to collect primary data for this research, aresident household survey based on stratified random sampling method was conducted from January to February in year 2014. Using a hand-deliveredquestionnaire, only one adult person per household interviewed to represent the family’s opinion.From 400 respondents, a total of 390 fully completed questionnaires were collected which representing 97% response rate.Responses to the statements were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, V.20) software. One way ANOVA and Independent sample t-test were employed to examine the first question; whether there are significant differences ofdemographic variables ineconomic impacts oftourism. The results showed that statistically significant differences have been found in residents’ gender, education, occupation, household income and no statistically significant difference wasfound in residents’ age group. Principal Component Factor analysis with varimax rotation was employed to determine the second question; what is the underlying dimensions explaining the perceived economic impacts of tourism? Itsupported two factors: economic benefits and economic costswith each factor having a satisfactory level of reliability. Among the two factors, the economic benefit accounts for 42.82% of total variances, which is much higher than the factor of economic costs. Multiple regression analysis was employed to investigate the last question; whether there are significant differences between determinants and underlying dimensions of tourism economic impacts. The findings indicated that residents could have a different perception about the economic benefits and costs of tourism development, according to their determinants. It suggeststhat residents who were not born in the research area, who do not work in tourism industry, and who have less travel experience, could have more concerns about the economic costs of tourism. In general, the findings of this research identified that residents of Kharkhorin have positive perceptions toward tourism economic impacts. It is assumed that residents believe that the development of tourism in Kharkhorin brings more benefits than costs to local residents.In conclusion, the empirical implication of this research should be highlighted as it enhances the current knowledge about residents’ perceptions of tourism economic impacts in arural destination with moderate level of tourism development. The practical implication of this research should be providedto those responsible for tourism policy makers. It is a vital for the tourism industry to recognize which variables influence residents in being more positive towards tourism, in order to achieve sustainable development of the industry.


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