  • 學位論文


Influence of green energy curriculum intervention and background factors on students' green energy knowledge in a vocational senior high school

指導教授 : 黃國林 趙浩然


本論文之研究主旨為瞭解高職生對綠色能源認知之分佈、綠色能源授課對高職生該認知之影響及分析其他可能影響因子。 根據研究目的並參考相關文獻擬定課程實施工具、背景資料問卷及教學評量工具。對某校高職生進行抽樣,參與學生共有173人,受試者們先填寫背景資料問卷,經兩次的前後測和兩次的教學介入(第一次和第二次的教學介入時間相隔一週)並收集資料。 經描述性統計、單因數變異數分析-事後比較之Bonferroniz法、成對樣本t檢定、斯皮爾曼等級相關係數及多項式複迴歸分析後,得到結論為: 1某校高職學生對於綠色能源認知的現況,呈現中上水準的表現,顯示有某種程度上的認知。2綠色能源授課對於學生綠色能源認知有顯著影響,且授課的次數與學生的測驗成績有正相關。3高職生的綠色能源認知之影響因素:(1)教學介入次數對於受試者的測驗成績影響,遠大於受試者的背景資料因素。(2)第二次的教學介入對於受試者第二次後測成績影響遠大於這些的背景資料因素(受試者的年齡、就讀日/夜間部、就讀科別、班別、父親教育程度、母親教育程度、母親國籍、主要照顧者、學生的個人月收入、學生的個人婚姻狀況、學生目前育有幾位子女、父親最高學歷、父親職業、父親國籍、母親最高學歷、母親職業、主要照顧者國籍、主要照顧者最高學歷、主要照顧者職業、父母管教方式、家庭關係、家中兄弟、家中姐妹、家中排行及居住環境)。(3)第二次後測時,女生整體成績比男生的高。(4)受試者的科別、班別、年齡、日/夜間部及家庭月收入,對於受試者在未接受教學介入之前的綠色能源認知層面有顯著影響。 關鍵字:綠色能源認知、高職生、背景資料因素、事後比較之Bonferroniz法、複迴歸分析。


This thesis focuses on the investigation of the distribution of vocational-high-school students’ background knowledge about green energy and the influence of green-energy instruction upon green energy cognition of the students, and some possible influential factors related to the investigation. In this study, the number of vocation high school students (participants) was 173. A questionnaire approach was used to survey the background knowledge of green energy of participants. Then, two lectures were given to participants, and a set of pre- and post-test was conducted for each lecture with one-week time span. According to the analyses of data using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA-post hoc comparison (Bonferroniz), paired-samples t test, Spearman rank correlation, and multiple regression analysis, It is concluded that the participants got above-middle scores, indicating that their background knowledge of green energy was acceptable. The two lectures of green energy significantly influenced the students’ green energy awareness, and the number of instruction positively correlated to the scores. For the factors influential on participants’ understanding of green energy, it is inferred that a) no significant difference was observed between the participants’ background (e.g., age, major, and class time) and the four test scores, b) the lecture number much more significantly influenced on green energy test score than the participants’ background, c) the green energy test score was significantly higher for female than for male participants in the second post-test, and d) family income significantly influenced the participants’ background knowledge about green energy.


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