  • 學位論文


Preparation and properties of Ni/ZnO by sol-gel process

指導教授 : 張莉毓


氧化鋅為一種N型半導體材料,在可見光區有良好的光電特性,被廣泛的應用於太陽能電池、光催化等領域。其具有無毒性、高效能及低成本容易摻雜等優點,非常適合作為光觸媒材料。但氧化鋅屬於寬能隙半導體,僅能吸收紫外光,且電子和空穴較容易複合,在太陽光照射下,表現出較差的光催化活性。 本文將利用三嵌段兩性共聚物作為天然模板,以硝酸鋅為前驅反應物,採用溶膠-凝膠法合成摻雜鎳氧化鋅之材料。並透過結構分析(XRD、SEM、TEM) 與光催化實驗等分析之結果,探討鎳摻雜於氧化鋅後材料結構之改變以及對光催化效能之影響。 經由實驗結果分析發現,本文所製備出的材料皆為氧化鋅六方纖鋅礦相,粒徑大小約24~36 nm;若適量的摻雜鎳將有助於抑制氧化鋅的成長;而鎳在氧化鋅的最大固溶量為0.02,當超出時將會開始析出氧化鎳。於光催化實驗中發現在煆燒溫度為550℃時的實驗粉末中,鎳含量為0.08時所合成的摻雜鎳氧化鋅有最佳的降解效率。


氧化鋅 摻雜 光催化 溶膠-凝膠法


Zinc oxide is a N-type semiconductor material, in the visible region has good optical and electrical properties, is widely used in solar cells, photocatalysis and other related fields. It is very suitable as photocatalyst materials because of their non-toxic, high performance, low cost and easy doping. However, zinc oxide is a wide bandgap semiconductor, it can only absorb ultraviolet light. In addition, electrons and holes easier recombination, it showed poor photocatalytic activity in the sunlight. This study will use the triblock copolymer as a natural template, zinc nitrate as the precursors, and using a sol-gel method to preparat prepare nickel doped zinc oxide. Then, structural analysis (XRD, SEM, TEM) and photocatalytic analysis to investigate the structure and the degradation efficiency of samples. From the experimental results, it is found that the as-prepared materials in this study all are the wurtzite structure, and particle size about 24~36 nm. The introduction of nickel can inhibit the grain growth of zinc oxide. Maximum solid solubility of nickel in the zinc oxide is 0.02, when exceeded will begin to precipitate nickel oxide. In the photocatalysis experiments, it is found that when calcination temperature is at 550 ℃ of experimental powder, when the nickel-doped zinc oxide had been synthesized that the content of nickel is at 0.08 , which is the best degradation efficiency in this study.


Zinc Oxide Doping Photocatalytic Sol-gel Method


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