  • 學位論文


Levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in house dust and their associated factors in Pingtung areas

指導教授 : 趙浩然


國外文獻指出人體暴露多溴聯苯醚(Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, PBDEs)的主要途徑為居家灰塵,而非飲食,且PBDEs廣泛添加於室內需阻燃之電器或塑膠產品中。然而,PBDEs可能造成神經及甲狀腺失衡,引起嬰幼兒發展遲緩。本研究於2011年8月~2012年3月收集屏東地區9個家庭的居家地板及電器灰塵,並以高解析氣相層析質譜儀分析30種PBDEs同構物濃度,所得濃度進行統計分析(SPSS 12.0版)。結果顯示9家的地板灰塵過篩分層後大部分PBDEs主要同構物(BDE-209、99、206、47)集中於第二層,ΣPBDEs平均值分別為2993、5186 ng/g。然而,並非篩分粒徑愈細(<0.074 mm),其灰塵中PBDEs濃度愈高。以Pearson's Correlation Coefficient with Bootstrap得知電器灰塵於第二層(0.149~0.074 mm)篩分下均以組內之間的每個群體呈顯著相關性(p<0.01)。將地板與電器灰塵於第二篩分粒徑進行因素分析且轉軸後共區分為低中溴數群及高溴數群兩群組分別與問卷參數進行簡單線性迴歸方程式,結果顯示父母親房間(含小孩)的平均打掃頻率愈多,小孩暴露地板灰塵於第二層的高溴數群濃度的機會可能愈低,以Intake dust =Conc. Dust × Rd公式計算地板及電器灰塵濃度對成人及小孩的PBDEs攝入量,結果表示地板及電器灰塵對小孩的ΣPBDEs攝入量分別為35.5 、175 ng/day,其PBDEs攝入量分別為成人攝入量的13.2倍。


Several studies have reported that the most important exposure route of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) for infants and toddlers is through house dust. PBDEs have been used as flame retardant of house product, such as electronic components or plastics consumptions. However, PBDEs exposure has linked to changes of thyroid hormones in humans and influence of neurological development in infants and young children based on several epidemiological studies. The objective of the study was to examine the associations of PBDE congeners between floor and electronic dust. The house dust from floor and electronics was collected by Nilfisk Advance Euroclean UZ934 (HEPA) vacuum cleaner in southern Taiwan from August 2011 to March 2012. Nine house paired dust samples were collected to be sieved as three fractions including >100 mesh particle, 100-200 mesh particle, and <200 mesh particle. Thirty individual PBDEs from di to deca (BDE-7, 15, 17, 28, 47, 49, 66, 71, 77, 85, 99, 100, 119, 126, 138, 139, 140, 153, 154, 156, 183, 184, 191, 196, 197, 203, 206, 207, 208, and 209) were analyzed by a high resolution gas chromatography coupled with a high resolution mass selective detector. Descriptive statistics of 30 PBDE congeners and Pearson's correlation coefficient with bootstrap (n=2000) were tested by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 12.0. We found that the second fraction of house dust, including floor and electronic dust, had the highest Σ28PBDE concentration among three fractionated house dust. The predominanted PBDE congeners in house dust increased in order: BDE-209, 99, 206, and 47. The significantly positive correlations among 9 homologues PBDEs (from di to deca) were found in the 2nd fractionated dust (p<0.05). Twenty eight PBDE congeners were divided into two groups including the lower and medium brominated PBDEs from di to hepta and the higher brominated PBDEs from octa to deca, respectively, after the factor analysis was tested. The higher frequency of cleaning the rooms was associated with lower concentrations of the higher brominated PBDEs in 2nd fractionated house dust. According our findings, PBDEs in Taiwanese house dust was linked to the accumulation of the smaller size of house dust. Owing to the small sampling size of the present study, the large-scale and further studies are encouraged.




