  • 學位論文


Community Involvement and Participation in Tourism Development in Mongolia - A case study of Local communities in Khovd aimag, Mongolia

指導教授 : 盧惠敏 鍾惠雯




社區 社區參與 旅遊開發 決策 侯呼德 蒙古


This thesis discusses the involvement and participation of local communities in tourism development in Mongolia using a case study of local communities in Khovd aimag. To explore this research topic, the thesis examines three key concepts: local communities’ involvement and participation in tourism development process, community participation in the tourism development decision-making process, and the appropriate roles of local people in tourism development. To achieve these systematically, the research is guided by three inter-related research questions: (1) what are the views of local people towards community involvement in tourism development; (2) what are appropriate roles of local people in tourism development; and (3) to what extent do local people participate in the tourism development decision-making process. To gain a rich understanding of the context of the research, the thesis employs a case study approach, which enables: firstly, investigation at the community level to bring together perspectives from the grass-root level, where little research on this topic has been done; secondly, involvement of key stakeholders that explores perspectives from a range of stakeholders (ordinary members of the tourism community partnerships and decision-makers within the community); and the field observations, document analysis, and informal discussions). Such an approach improves the validity of the findings and successfully addresses the central research questions. Both quantitative and qualitative data generated from these techniques are analysed, integrated and compared, and are used to complement each other. The result of this study reveals that local communities have knowledge of the positive impacts of tourism and beneficiaries of involvement in tourism process. According to the results, there is a general agreement among respondents that tourism encourages a variety of cultural activities. The local communities also acknowledge that tourism creates employment opportunities and generates income. Furthermore the results also showed that the respondents supported ‘taking part actively in the tourism decision-making process’ (mean 4.50) in order of importance based on percentage scores of levels of agreement. This result confirmed by local people’s views regarding the role of the local community in tourism development suggested by a series of seven statements. The statement ‘local people should be consulted when tourism policies are being made’ supported with highest mean score (4.45), but two statements were rejected: ‘local people should take the leading role as workers at all levels’ (mean 2.95) and ‘local people should not participate by any means’ (mean 1.45). Based on these results, this study concludes that local people wish to play a role in the tourism development decision-making process. In general, local people would like to see the decision-making body for tourism development made up of both elected officials, who represent the local community to ensure community needs, priority, and interests to be not by-passed, and appointed officials, who often bring in their expertise and professional knowledge. But in the course of exercising their duties, they should first consult the local people in order to collect public views. The desired way of involving the local community in tourism development by the local people appears to represent “spontaneous participation” in Tosun (2006)’s typology, which advocates bottom-up, active participation by local people. However, there are still some obstacles to community involvement and participation in tourism development in Khovd aimag. They include: low levels of interest showed by local people in following up issues beyond their immediate family domain (apathy); poor co-ordination between involved parties (ordinary members of the local community and their leaders); and low levels of awareness of the whole idea of community involvement coupled with lack of education.


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