  • 學位論文


The Case Analysis of Farm Business at Yuli Township, Hualien County

指導教授 : 黃文琪


本研究以位於花蓮縣玉里鎮之小規模家庭農場為對象進行經營個案分析。農場主懷著友善環境及守護土地的責任務農,主研究這樣的態度傳承年輕的一代返鄉預備接班,然而兩代經營者對於農場經營的看法或作法卻大有不同。本研究以深度訪談法及農場經營過程的紀錄資料以及其他次級資料來源。首先對農場發展歷程加以敘述,再者以其生產、銷售、人力資源管理、財務管理以及研發等五個面向加以分析;最後以SWOT分析提出經營策略。 本研究發現該農場由純粹生產以稻米為主的初級農產品至今,已利用自身生產稻米發展為初級加工品,並已建立自有的稻米品牌,開括了多元的通路。耕作方式也由傳統農法,隨著年輕的世代返鄉,而開始試行自然農法並加入鎮公所輔導使用當地的產地標章。農場主一家人皆以全時或農忙期投入農場作業。然而仍有使用新的耕作方法有待持續改善的技術面問題,雖有自有品牌,但知名度仍待建立的問題有待克服。 由於個案家庭農場來自原住民部落,且玉里鎮及臨近地區具有豐富及多元的文化特色。因此建議其結合部落文化及旅遊資源及農場上因節令不同而擁有的多種多元的樣貌,可以適時加入設計為旅遊套組,讓潛在的消費者有機會認同農場友善環境及守護土地的理念。因此本研究提出三點建議:一、無毒安全糧食及友善環境耕作符合社會期待應該導入企業管理概念,以達永續經營或自給自足。二、運用農場周邊天然環境與部落文化,導入體驗活動。三、結合部落其他農戶開發多樣化商品。


This study describes a small scale family farm which engages in environmentally friendly farming practice and land stewardship. Using in depth interview and the farm records along with other secondary data, this study documented the development process of the family farm, analyzed the production, marketing, human resource, financial management practices and the research and development approaches of the farm. Then the SWOT analysis was conducted to come up with recommendation for the management strategy. This study found that the same mission is shared between the two generations of manager. Since the young Generation come back from the city to help taking care of the farm, the farm transformed from primary production of selling paddy rice to selling its diversified branded Products . The specific managerial recommendations were: 1. Chemical free and environment-friendly tillage is in line with social expectations, but the farm should enhance the performance by adapting business management concept. 2. To use the surrounding natural environment and the tribal cultural to come up with experience activities for tourists to make known to potential customers the virtue of their products. 3. Collaborate with other tribal farmers to provide diversify product development. The study also found that the environment-friendly farming techniques and conventional farming are not the same. Reduced production may need to overcome the technical problems. However, such agricultural products are competitive; price is higher than that of conventional methods generally produced. Small-scale agribusiness can still embrace in hearts the ideal of the mission about guardian of the land and to take care of the family.


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