  • 學位論文


Study of the factor on growth of vertical greening plants

指導教授 : 盧惠敏


隨著時代的變遷,科技日漸發達,人類為了提升生活品質,使得地球資源不斷地被開發,以致加速全球暖化。在現今提倡永續發展與節能減碳的觀念下,逐漸思考利用生態手法來解決生活上所遇到的環境議題,垂直綠化的手法經常被使用在控制室內外溫度上,藉由植栽降低表面溫度以達到降溫的效果,但由於維護成本及植栽死亡率過高導致垂直綠化至今一直難以普及,本研究以實驗法探討垂直綠化植栽之生長因素,並分析四種不同種類植栽(白紋草、金露花、繁星花、腎蕨)在垂直綠化環境下利用不同澆灌水源(中水、雨水、地下水)、不同澆灌方式(滴灌式、噴灌式、虹吸式)及不同保水度土壤介質(泥炭土、泥炭土混合椰纖、椰纖)來栽種,並觀測植栽的冠幅、株高、葉片數及花朵數,來了解垂直綠化植栽之生長因素的影響。 結果顯示: 白紋草適於使用保水度較高的土壤介質來栽種,而在澆灌用水上適合選用中水水質作為澆灌用水,其能提高白紋草的生長效率,同時能提高其開花率;金露花則對於土壤保水度上的需求並無特別的喜好,在澆灌水質上則偏好中水水質,在澆灌方式上以噴灌式的生長最為顯著;繁星花對於土壤保水度的需求偏好較低保水度的土壤介質,在水質及澆灌方式上則無特別的喜好;腎蕨對於土壤保水度的需求並無特別的喜好,而在水質需求上則偏好以中水作為澆灌用水,在澆灌方式上為噴灌式生長效果最為顯著。


As times change with the progression of science and technology, and people in order to improve life quality through endlessly overdevelop Earth's resources, accelerating global warming. Nowadays, advocated sustainable development with energy conservation and carbon reduction. Make use ecological practices achieved that effect on energy conservation and carbon reduction. The reuse the circulating water used vertical greening irrigation, achieved that the indoor temperature reduced with the building and adjust microclimate. However, the maintenance cost and planting Mortality rate are over high that results this way difficulty universal use in life. The study explored the different kind of plants (Striped bracketplant, Golden dewdrop, Star cluster, Tuberous sword fern) in the circulating water used vertical greening irrigation for different water sources (gray water, rain, groundwater), and different irrigation methods (type of drip, spray, siphon), and different water retention of soil medium (peat moss, the coconut fiber mix peat moss, coconut fiber), and observed that plants crown width, height, number of blades and number of flowers , then analyzed that factors affecting the growth of vertical green planting. The results, Striped bracketplant is suitable for grew of higher water retention of soil medium, and suitable for used gray water to irrigated. Which improved growth efficiency of striped bracketplant, and functions of improving flower blooming. Golden dewdrop is suitable for use gray water and irrigation method of spray, and Water retention of soil medium does not affect grew. Star cluster is suitable for grew of lower water retention of soil medium, different irrigation methods and water sources does not affect grew. Tuberous sword fern is suitable for use gray water and irrigation method of spray, and Water retention of soil medium does not affect grew.


6.屏東科技大學環境保護暨安全衛生中心。擷取日期:2013/12/5日。自: http://ceps.npust.edu.tw/


