  • 學位論文


A Comparison of Habitat Use and Activity Pattern of Serow With or Without Sarcoptes Mange Infestation

指導教授 : 裴家騏


本研究於2010年11月至2011年3月,以楠梓仙溪保育研究站為中心,在面積2平方公里的圓形範圍內利用活體麻醉捕捉10隻(2雌、8雄)長鬃山羊個體,共檢測出穿孔疥癬蟎(Sarcoptes scabiei)及德州食皮疥癬蟎(Chorioptes texanus),感染率分別為70%及80%。其中,A10個體推估可能為穿孔疥癬蟎的復原期,因此本研究將A10個體分別歸類在未感染及感染群體中分析。感染穿孔疥癬蟎的長鬃山羊的死亡率估計介於14.3%到57.1%之間;然而未感染疥癬蟎或僅感染德州食皮疥癬蟎的個體,研究期間均未發現死亡。 無線電個體追蹤結果顯示,當A10歸類為未感染穿孔疥癬蟎個體時,未感染個體的平均95%MCP(Minimum convex polygon)活動面積為39.7及95%FK(Fixed Kernel)為61.2公頃,感染個體則分別為31.9及53.4公頃;當A10歸類為感染個體時,未感染個體的平均95%MCP面積為35.9及95%FK56.2公頃,感染個體則分別為36.7及59.1公頃,且個體間的差異大於未感染者。無論A10如何被歸類,有無感染個體活動範圍上均沒有顯著差異,不過,當A10個體被歸類為未感染個體時,未感染個體的平均50%FK核心活動面積則明顯的大於有感染的個體。另外,感染個體之間的重疊度都大於未感染個體之間,並且,未感染個體的活動量都顯著的大於感染個體。 本研究結果顯示長鬃山羊在闊葉林、針葉林、針闊葉混合林、草生地以及裸露地等五種環境中,對於闊葉林及裸露地有偏好;然而,感染穿孔疥癬蟎者,則對針闊葉混合林及裸露地有較高的偏好,顯示日間可以直接受到太陽照射的棲地可能較吸引受感染個體。


Between November 2010 and March 2011, ten (2 females and 8 males) Taiwanese serows (Capricornis swinhoei) were captured and radio-collared within an area of 2km2 around the Nantzuhsienchi Conservation Station. Two mange species, Sarcoptes scabiei and Chorioptes texanus, were found on these serows with a 70% and 80% infestation rate respectively. Among others, A10 individual had been assessed in the recovery stage of the sarcoptes mange infestation, therefore two sets of analyses were undertaken for this study, one with A10 classified as an infested individual, one with A10 classified as a non-infested case. The mortality of sarcoptes mange infestation was between 14.3% and 57.1%, and no non-infested or Chorioptes texanus infested only serow died during the study. The radio-tracking results indicated that when A10 was classified as an infected individual, average home range for sarcoptes mange non-infested serows were 39.7ha (95% Minimum convex polygon, MCP) and 61.2ha (95%Fixed Kernel, FK) respectively, while the average home range for infested serows were 31.9ha and 53.4ha. When A10 was classified as mange infested individual, average home range for non-infested serows were 35.9ha and 56.2ha, while that of infested serows were 36.7ha and 59.1ha. Individual variation in home range size was much higher among infested serows. There was no significant difference in home range size between infested and non-infested serows, however, when A10 was classified as a non-infested case, the core area (50%) of non-infested serow was significant larger than the infested ones. The daily activity levels of non-infested serows were also significantly higher. Results showed that among the five habitat types of broadleaf forest, coniferous forest, conifer-broadleaved mix forest, grassland and rocky slope caused by land sliding, serows prefer broadleaf forests and rocky slope; however, sarcoptes mange infested serows prefer conifer-broadleaved mix forest and rocky slope, which might suggest infested individuals prefer habitat with more direct sunlight in the daytime.


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